Interface BundleStartLevel

    • Method Detail

      • getStartLevel

        int getStartLevel()
        Return the assigned start level value for the bundle.
        The start level value of the bundle.
        IllegalStateException - If the bundle has been uninstalled.
        See Also:
      • setStartLevel

        void setStartLevel​(int startlevel)
        Assign a start level value to the bundle.

        The bundle will be assigned the specified start level. The start level value assigned to the bundle will be persistently recorded by the Framework.

        If the new start level for the bundle is lower than or equal to the active start level of the Framework and the bundle's autostart setting indicates this bundle must be started, the Framework will start the bundle as described in the Bundle.start(int) method using the Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option. The Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option must also be used if isActivationPolicyUsed() returns true. The actual starting of the bundle must occur asynchronously.

        If the new start level for the bundle is higher than the active start level of the Framework, the Framework will stop the bundle as described in the Bundle.stop(int) method using the Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT option. The actual stopping of the bundle must occur asynchronously.

        startlevel - The new start level for the bundle.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the specified start level is less than or equal to zero, or if the bundle is the system bundle.
        IllegalStateException - If the bundle has been uninstalled.
        SecurityException - If the caller does not have AdminPermission[bundle,EXECUTE] and the Java runtime environment supports permissions.
      • isPersistentlyStarted

        boolean isPersistentlyStarted()
        Returns whether the bundle's autostart setting indicates it must be started.

        The autostart setting of a bundle indicates whether the bundle is to be started when its start level is reached.

        true if the autostart setting of the bundle indicates it is to be started. false otherwise.
        IllegalStateException - If this bundle has been uninstalled.
        See Also:
      • isActivationPolicyUsed

        boolean isActivationPolicyUsed()
        Returns whether the bundle's autostart setting indicates that the activation policy declared in the bundle manifest must be used.

        The autostart setting of a bundle indicates whether the bundle's declared activation policy is to be used when the bundle is started.

        true if the bundle's autostart setting indicates the activation policy declared in the manifest must be used. false if the bundle must be eagerly activated.
        IllegalStateException - If the bundle has been uninstalled.
        See Also: