Interface ProvisioningServiceMBean

  • public interface ProvisioningServiceMBean
    This MBean represents the management interface to the OSGi Initial Provisioning Service
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String OBJECTNAME
      Provisioning MBean object name.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addInformation​(TabularData info)
      Adds the key/value pairs contained in info to the Provisioning Information dictionary.
      void addInformationFromZip​(String zipURL)
      Processes the ZipInputStream contents of the provided zipURL and extracts information to add to the Provisioning Information dictionary, as well as, install/update and start bundles.
      TabularData listInformation()
      Returns a table representing the Provisioning Information Dictionary.
      void setInformation​(TabularData info)
      Replaces the Provisioning Information dictionary with the entries of the supplied table.
    • Method Detail

      • addInformationFromZip

        void addInformationFromZip​(String zipURL)
                            throws IOException
        Processes the ZipInputStream contents of the provided zipURL and extracts information to add to the Provisioning Information dictionary, as well as, install/update and start bundles. This method causes the PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT to be incremented.
        zipURL - the String form of the URL that will be resolved into a ZipInputStream which will be used to add key/value pairs to the Provisioning Information dictionary and install and start bundles. If a ZipEntry does not have an Extra field that corresponds to one of the four defined MIME types (MIME_STRING, MIME_BYTE_ARRAY,MIME_BUNDLE, and MIME_BUNDLE_URL) in will be silently ignored.
        IOException - if an error occurs while processing the ZipInputStream of the URL. No additions will be made to the Provisioning Information dictionary and no bundles must be started or installed.
      • addInformation

        void addInformation​(TabularData info)
                     throws IOException
        Adds the key/value pairs contained in info to the Provisioning Information dictionary. This method causes the PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT to be incremented.
        info - the set of Provisioning Information key/value pairs to add to the Provisioning Information dictionary. Any keys are values that are of an invalid type will be silently ignored.
        IOException - if the operation fails
        See Also:
        for details of the Tabular Data
      • setInformation

        void setInformation​(TabularData info)
                     throws IOException
        Replaces the Provisioning Information dictionary with the entries of the supplied table. This method causes the PROVISIONING_UPDATE_COUNT to be incremented.
        info - the new set of Provisioning Information key/value pairs. Any keys are values that are of an invalid type will be silently ignored.
        IOException - if the operation fails
        See Also:
        for details of the Tabular Data