Class SatisfiedReferenceDTO

  • public class SatisfiedReferenceDTO
    extends DTO
    A representation of a satisfied reference.
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public String name
        The name of the declared reference.

        This is declared in the name attribute of the reference element of the component description.

        See Also:
      • target

        public String target
        The target property of the satisfied reference.

        This is the value of the component property whose name is the concatenation of the declared reference name and ".target". This must be null if no target property is set for the reference.

      • boundServices

        public ServiceReferenceDTO[] boundServices
        The bound services.

        Each ServiceReferenceDTO in the array represents a service bound to the satisfied reference. The array must be empty if there are no bound services.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SatisfiedReferenceDTO

        public SatisfiedReferenceDTO()