Class ResolveContext

  • @ConsumerType
    public abstract class ResolveContext
    extends Object
    A resolve context provides resources, options and constraints to the potential solution of a resolve operation.

    Resolve Contexts:

    • Specify the mandatory and optional resources to resolve. The mandatory and optional resources must be consistent and correct. For example, they must not violate the singleton policy of the implementer.
    • Provide capabilities that the Resolver can use to satisfy requirements via the findProviders(Requirement) method
    • Constrain solutions via the getWirings() method. A wiring consists of a map of existing resources to wiring.
    • Filter requirements that are part of a resolve operation via the isEffective(Requirement).

    A resolver may call the methods on the resolve context any number of times during a resolve operation using any thread. Implementors should ensure that this class is properly thread safe.

    Except for insertHostedCapability(List, HostedCapability) and onCancel(Runnable), the resolve context methods must be idempotent. This means that resources must have constant capabilities and requirements and the resolve context must return a consistent set of capabilities, wires and effective requirements.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResolveContext

        public ResolveContext()
    • Method Detail

      • getMandatoryResources

        public Collection<Resource> getMandatoryResources()
        Return the resources that must be resolved for this resolve context.

        The default implementation returns an empty collection.

        A collection of the resources that must be resolved for this resolve context. May be empty if there are no mandatory resources. The returned collection may be unmodifiable.
      • getOptionalResources

        public Collection<Resource> getOptionalResources()
        Return the resources that the resolver should attempt to resolve for this resolve context. Inability to resolve one of the specified resources will not result in a resolution exception.

        The default implementation returns an empty collection.

        A collection of the resources that the resolver should attempt to resolve for this resolve context. May be empty if there are no optional resources. The returned collection may be unmodifiable.
      • findProviders

        public abstract List<Capability> findProviders​(Requirement requirement)
        Find Capabilities that match the given Requirement.

        The returned list contains Capability objects where the Resource must be the declared Resource of the Capability. The Resolver can then add additional HostedCapability objects with the insertHostedCapability(List, HostedCapability) method when it, for example, attaches fragments. Those HostedCapability objects will then use the host's Resource which likely differs from the declared Resource of the corresponding Capability.

        The returned list is in priority order such that the Capabilities with a lower index have a preference over those with a higher index. The resolver must use the insertHostedCapability(List, HostedCapability) method to add additional Capabilities to maintain priority order. In general, this is necessary when the Resolver uses Capabilities declared in a Resource but that must originate from an attached host.

        Each returned Capability must match the given Requirement. This means that the filter in the Requirement must match as well as any namespace specific directives. For example, the mandatory attributes for the osgi.wiring.package namespace.

        requirement - The requirement that a resolver is attempting to satisfy. Must not be null.
        A list of Capability objects that match the specified requirement.
      • insertHostedCapability

        public abstract int insertHostedCapability​(List<Capability> capabilities,
                                                   HostedCapability hostedCapability)
        Add a HostedCapability to the list of capabilities returned from findProviders(Requirement).

        This method is used by the Resolver to add Capabilities that are hosted by another Resource to the list of Capabilities returned from findProviders(Requirement). This function is necessary to allow fragments to attach to hosts, thereby changing the origin of a Capability. This method must insert the specified HostedCapability in a place that makes the list maintain the preference order. It must return the index in the list of the inserted HostedCapability.

        capabilities - The list returned from findProviders(Requirement). Must not be null.
        hostedCapability - The HostedCapability to insert in the specified list. Must not be null.
        The index in the list of the inserted HostedCapability.
      • isEffective

        public abstract boolean isEffective​(Requirement requirement)
        Test if a given requirement should be wired in the resolve operation. If this method returns false, then the resolver should ignore this requirement during the resolve operation.

        The primary use case for this is to test the effective directive on the requirement, though implementations are free to use any effective test.

        requirement - The Requirement to test. Must not be null.
        true if the requirement should be considered as part of the resolve operation.
      • getWirings

        public abstract Map<Resource,​Wiring> getWirings()
        Returns the wirings for existing resolved resources.

        For example, if this resolve context is for an OSGi framework, then the result would contain all the currently resolved bundles with each bundle's current wiring.

        Multiple calls to this method for this resolve context must return the same result.

        The wirings for existing resolved resources. The returned map is unmodifiable.
      • findRelatedResources

        public Collection<Resource> findRelatedResources​(Resource resource)
        Find resources that are related to the given resource.

        The resolver attempts to resolve related resources during the current resolve operation. Failing to resolve one of the related resources will not result in a resolution exception unless the related resource is also a mandatory resource.

        The resolve context is asked to return related resources for each resource that is pulled into a resolve operation. This includes the mandatory and optional resources and each related resource returned by this method.

        For example, a fragment can be considered a related resource for a host bundle. When a host is being resolved the resolve context will be asked if any related resources should be added to the resolve operation. The resolve context may decide that the potential fragments of the host should be resolved along with the host.

        resource - The Resource that a resolver is attempting to find related resources for. Must not be null.
        A collection of the resources that the resolver should attempt to resolve for this resolve context. May be empty if there are no related resources. The returned collection may be unmodifiable.
      • onCancel

        public void onCancel​(Runnable callback)
        Registers a callback with the resolve context that is associated with the currently running resolve operation. The callback can be executed in order to cancel the currently running resolve operation.

        When a resolve operation begins, the resolver must call this method once and only once for the duration of the resolve operation and that call must happen before calling any other method on this resolve context. If the specified callback is executed then the resolver must cancel the currently running resolve operation and throw a ResolutionException with a cause of type CancellationException.

        The callback allows a resolve context to cancel a long running resolve operation that appears to be running endlessly or at risk of running out of resources. The resolve context may then decide to give up on resolve operation or attempt to try another resolve operation with a smaller set of resources which may allow the resolve operation to complete normally.

        callback - the callback to execute in order to cancel the resolve operation. Must not be null.
        IllegalStateException - if the resolver attempts to register more than one callback for a resolve operation
      • getSubstitutionWires

        public List<Wire> getSubstitutionWires​(Wiring wiring)
        Returns the subset of required wires that provide wires to capabilities which substitute capabilities of the wiring. For example, when a package name is both provided and required by the same resource. If the package requirement is resolved to a capability provided by a different wiring then the package capability is considered to be substituted.

        The resolver asks the resolve context to return substitution wires for each wiring that provides a bundle namespace capability that is used to resolve one or more bundle requirements.

        Note that this method searches all the package capabilities declared as provided by the resource associated with the wiring and fragment resources wired to the wiring with the host namespace. The provided package names are compared against the required package wires to determine which wires are substitution wires. Subclasses of ResolveContext should provide a more efficient implementation of this method.

        wiring - the wiring to get the substitution wires for. Must not be null.
        A list containing a snapshot of the substitution Wires for the requirements of the wiring, or an empty list if the wiring has no substitution wires. The list contains the wires in the order they are found in the required wires of the wiring.