Interface SSLConfigurable

    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultProtocols

        String[] getDefaultProtocols()
        Gets the set of protocols that the SSL component enables by default.
        protocols (generally a subset of the set returned by getSupportedProtocols()); the return value may be an empty array but must never be null.
      • getSupportedProtocols

        String[] getSupportedProtocols()
        Gets the set of protocols that the SSL component supports.
        protocols supported protocols; the return value may be an empty array but must never be null.
      • setEnabledProtocols

        void setEnabledProtocols​(String[] protocols)
        Sets the enabled protocols on the SSL component.
        cipherSuites - the protocols to enable
      • getDefaultCipherSuites

        String[] getDefaultCipherSuites()
        Gets the set of cipher suites that the SSL component enables by default.
        cipher suites (generally a subset of the set returned by getSupportedCipherSuites()); the return value may be an empty array but must never be null
      • getSupportedCipherSuites

        String[] getSupportedCipherSuites()
        Gets the set of cipher suites that the SSL component supports.
        supported cipher suites; the return value may be an empty array but must never be null
      • setEnabledCipherSuites

        void setEnabledCipherSuites​(String[] cipherSuites)
        Sets the enabled cipher suites on the SSL component.
        cipherSuites - the cipher suites to enable
      • setNeedClientAuth

        void setNeedClientAuth​(boolean state)
        Sets a flag indicating whether the SSL component should require client authentication.
        state - the flag state to set
      • setWantClientAuth

        void setWantClientAuth​(boolean state)
        Sets a flag indicating whether the SSL component should request client authentication.
        state - the flag state to set