Class SubsetDefaultImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    NameKeyedSubset, OTSubset, Type1Subset

    public class SubsetDefaultImpl
    extends Object
    implements Subset
    A default implementation for the Subset interface.

    This implementation is suitable for subclassing, if specific behaviour is needed beyond the correspondance between subset and full gids.

    • Method Detail

      • doSubset

        public boolean doSubset()
      • getNumGlyphs

        public int getNumGlyphs()
        Description copied from interface: Subset
        Return the number of glyphs in the subset.
        Specified by:
        getNumGlyphs in interface Subset
      • getFullGid

        public int getFullGid​(int subsetGid)
        Description copied from interface: Subset
        Return the full gid corresponding to a subset gid.
        Specified by:
        getFullGid in interface Subset
        subsetGid - the subset gid, must be in the range [0..getNumGlyphs () [
      • getExistingSubsetGid

        public int getExistingSubsetGid​(int fullGid)
        Description copied from interface: Subset
        Return the currently esisting subset gid corresponding to a full gid, if there is one, without generating a new one. Return -1 if the full gid is not in the subset.
        Specified by:
        getExistingSubsetGid in interface Subset
        fullGid - the full gid, must be a legal gid for the full font.