Class CompressionTools

  • public class CompressionTools
    extends Object
    Simple utility class providing static methods to compress and decompress binary data for stored fields. This class uses and Inflater classes to compress and decompress.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static byte[] compress​(byte[] value)
      Compresses all bytes in the array, with default BEST_COMPRESSION level
      static byte[] compress​(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
      Compresses the specified byte range, with default BEST_COMPRESSION level
      static byte[] compress​(byte[] value, int offset, int length, int compressionLevel)
      Compresses the specified byte range using the specified compressionLevel (constants are defined in
      static byte[] compressString​(String value)
      Compresses the String value, with default BEST_COMPRESSION level
      static byte[] compressString​(String value, int compressionLevel)
      Compresses the String value using the specified compressionLevel (constants are defined in
      static byte[] decompress​(byte[] value)
      Decompress the byte array previously returned by compress
      static byte[] decompress​(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
      Decompress the byte array previously returned by compress
      static byte[] decompress​(BytesRef bytes)
      Decompress the byte array previously returned by compress (referenced by the provided BytesRef)
      static String decompressString​(byte[] value)
      Decompress the byte array previously returned by compressString back into a String
      static String decompressString​(byte[] value, int offset, int length)
      Decompress the byte array previously returned by compressString back into a String
      static String decompressString​(BytesRef bytes)
      Decompress the byte array (referenced by the provided BytesRef) previously returned by compressString back into a String
    • Method Detail

      • compress

        public static byte[] compress​(byte[] value,
                                      int offset,
                                      int length,
                                      int compressionLevel)
        Compresses the specified byte range using the specified compressionLevel (constants are defined in
      • compress

        public static byte[] compress​(byte[] value,
                                      int offset,
                                      int length)
        Compresses the specified byte range, with default BEST_COMPRESSION level
      • compress

        public static byte[] compress​(byte[] value)
        Compresses all bytes in the array, with default BEST_COMPRESSION level
      • compressString

        public static byte[] compressString​(String value)
        Compresses the String value, with default BEST_COMPRESSION level
      • compressString

        public static byte[] compressString​(String value,
                                            int compressionLevel)
        Compresses the String value using the specified compressionLevel (constants are defined in
      • decompress

        public static byte[] decompress​(byte[] value,
                                        int offset,
                                        int length)
                                 throws DataFormatException
        Decompress the byte array previously returned by compress
      • decompressString

        public static String decompressString​(byte[] value,
                                              int offset,
                                              int length)
                                       throws DataFormatException
        Decompress the byte array previously returned by compressString back into a String