Class FontEntityAtom

  • public final class FontEntityAtom
    extends RecordAtom
    This atom corresponds exactly to a Windows Logical Font (LOGFONT) structure. It keeps all the information needed to define the attributes of a font, such as height, width, etc. For more information, consult the Windows API Programmer's reference.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FontEntityAtom

        public FontEntityAtom()
        Create a new instance of FontEntityAtom
    • Method Detail

      • getRecordType

        public long getRecordType()
        Description copied from class: Record
        Returns the type (held as a little endian in bytes 3 and 4) that this class handles
        Specified by:
        getRecordType in class Record
      • getFontName

        public String getFontName()
        A null-terminated string that specifies the typeface name of the font. The length of this string must not exceed 32 characters including the null terminator.
        font name
      • setFontName

        public void setFontName​(String name)
        Set the name of the font. The length of this string must not exceed 32 characters including the null terminator. Will be converted to null-terminated if not already
        name - of the font
      • setFontIndex

        public void setFontIndex​(int idx)
      • getFontIndex

        public int getFontIndex()
      • setCharSet

        public void setCharSet​(int charset)
        set the character set
        charset - - characterset
      • getCharSet

        public int getCharSet()
        get the character set
        charset - characterset
      • setFontFlags

        public void setFontFlags​(int flags)
        set the font flags Bit 1: If set, font is subsetted
        flags - - the font flags
      • getFontFlags

        public int getFontFlags()
        get the character set Bit 1: If set, font is subsetted
        the font flags
      • setFontType

        public void setFontType​(int type)
        set the font type

        Bit 1: Raster Font Bit 2: Device Font Bit 3: TrueType Font

        type - - the font type
      • getFontType

        public int getFontType()
        get the font type

        Bit 1: Raster Font Bit 2: Device Font Bit 3: TrueType Font

        the font type
      • setPitchAndFamily

        public void setPitchAndFamily​(int val)
        set lfPitchAndFamily
        val - - Corresponds to the lfPitchAndFamily field of the Win32 API LOGFONT structure
      • getPitchAndFamily

        public int getPitchAndFamily()
        get lfPitchAndFamily
        corresponds to the lfPitchAndFamily field of the Win32 API LOGFONT structure