Class PropertiesChunk

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    MessagePropertiesChunk, StoragePropertiesChunk

    public abstract class PropertiesChunk
    extends Chunk

    A Chunk which holds (single) fixed-length properties, and pointer to the variable length ones / multi-valued ones (which get their own chunk).

    There are two kinds of PropertiesChunks, which differ only in their headers.

    • Method Detail

      • getEntryName

        public String getEntryName()
        Description copied from class: Chunk
        Creates a string to use to identify this chunk in the POI file system object.
        getEntryName in class Chunk
      • getRawProperties

        public Map<MAPIProperty,​PropertyValue> getRawProperties()
        Returns all the properties in the chunk, without looking up any chunk-based values
      • getProperties

        public Map<MAPIProperty,​List<PropertyValue>> getProperties()

        Returns all the properties in the chunk, along with their values.

        Any chunk-based values will be looked up and returned as such

      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(PropertyValue value)
        Defines a property. Multi-valued properties are not yet supported.
      • getValues

        public List<PropertyValue> getValues​(MAPIProperty property)
        Returns all values for the given property, looking up chunk based ones as required, of null if none exist
      • getRawValue

        public PropertyValue getRawValue​(MAPIProperty property)
        Returns the value / pointer to the value chunk of the property, or null if none exists
      • writeProperties

        public void writeProperties​(DirectoryEntry directory)
                             throws IOException
        Writes this chunk in the specified DirectoryEntry.
        directory - The directory.
        IOException - If an I/O error occurs.