Class DEAConstants

  • public abstract class DEAConstants
    extends Object
    The DEAConstants provides some constants for handling distributed OSGi events.

    If an event should be sent to other instances, the event property PROPERTY_DISTRIBUTE should be set to an empty string.

    An event, regardless if distributed or not, should never be created with the property PROPERTY_APPLICATION. In addition properties starting with "event.dea." are reserved attributes of this implementation and must not be used by custom events.

    If the event is a local event, the PROPERTY_APPLICATION is not available. If it is available, it contains the application (Sling ID) of the instance where the event originated.

    • Field Detail


        public static final String PROPERTY_DISTRIBUTE
        This event property indicates, if the event should be distributed in the cluster.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROPERTY_APPLICATION
        This event property specifies the application node.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DEAConstants

        public DEAConstants()