Interface IndexStatsMBean

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Name of the async indexing lane
      • getStart

        String getStart()
        The time the indexing job stared at, or "" if it is not currently running.
      • getDone

        String getDone()
        The time the indexing job finished at, or "" if it is still running.
      • getStatus

        String getStatus()
        Returns the current status of the indexing job
        the current status of the indexing job: "init", "running" or "done"
      • getLastIndexedTime

        String getLastIndexedTime()
        the last upto which the repository was indexed
      • pause

        void pause()
        Pauses the background indexing process. Future changes are not indexed until the resume() method is called. The pause call will take effect on the next run cycle and will affect all indexes marked as 'async'. Note: this is experimental and should only be used for debugging/diagnosis purposes!
      • abortAndPause

        @Description("Aborts any running indexing cycle and pauses the indexer. Invoke \'resume\' once you are read to resume indexing again")
        String abortAndPause()
      • releaseLeaseForPausedLane

        @Description("Release lease for a paused lane")
        String releaseLeaseForPausedLane()
      • resume

        void resume()
        Resumes the indexing process. All changes from the previous indexed state will be indexed.
        See Also:
      • isPaused

        boolean isPaused()
        Returns the value of the 'paused' flag
        true if the indexing job is paused
      • getUpdates

        long getUpdates()
        Returns the number of updates from the current run cycle. This value is kept until the next cycle begins.
        the number of updates from the current run cycle. This value is kept until the next cycle begins.
      • getNodesReadCount

        long getNodesReadCount()
        Returns the number of which have been read so far. This value is kept until the next cycle begins.
        the number of node read from the current run cycle. This value is kept until the next cycle begins.
      • getReferenceCheckpoint

        String getReferenceCheckpoint()
        Returns the current reference checkpoint used by the async indexer
        the reference checkpoint
      • getProcessedCheckpoint

        String getProcessedCheckpoint()
        Returns the processed checkpoint used by the async indexer. If this index round finishes successfully, the processed checkpoint will become the reference checkpoint, and the old reference checkpoint wil be released.
        the processed checkpoint
      • getTemporaryCheckpoints

        String getTemporaryCheckpoints()
        Temporary checkpoints represent old checkpoints that have been processed but the cleanup was not successful of did not happen at all (like in the event the system was forcibly stopped).
        the already processed checkpoints
      • getTotalExecutionCount

        long getTotalExecutionCount()
        Returns the number of executions.
        the execution count
      • getExecutionCount

        CompositeData getExecutionCount()
        Returns the number of executions as a org.apache.jackrabbit.api.stats.TimeSeries.
        the execution count time series
      • getExecutionTime

        CompositeData getExecutionTime()
        Returns the execution time as a org.apache.jackrabbit.api.stats.TimeSeries.
        the execution times time series
      • getIndexedNodesCount

        CompositeData getIndexedNodesCount()
        Returns the number of indexed nodes as a org.apache.jackrabbit.api.stats.TimeSeries.
        the indexed nodes time series
      • getConsolidatedExecutionStats

        CompositeData getConsolidatedExecutionStats()
        Returns the consolidated execution stats since last reset
        consolidated execution stats
      • resetConsolidatedExecutionStats

        void resetConsolidatedExecutionStats()
        Resets the consolidated stats.
      • splitIndexingTask

        void splitIndexingTask​(@Name("paths") @Description("Comma separated list of paths of the index definitions")
                               String paths,
                               @Name("newIndexTaskName") @Description("The indexing task name set on the async property")
                               String newIndexTaskName)
        Splits the current indexing tasks into 2, indexes that are passed in as an input will have their 'async' property updated to newIndexTaskName. Note that this call will *not* bootstrap a new indexing task for the given name.
      • registerAsyncIndexer

        void registerAsyncIndexer​(@Name("name")
                                  String name,
                                  long delayInSeconds)
        Starts a new background indexing task and registers the JMX MBeans for it
      • isFailing

        boolean isFailing()
        true if the indexing job is failing
      • getFailingSince

        String getFailingSince()
        The time the indexing job stared failing, or "" if the job is not currently failing.
      • getConsecutiveFailedExecutions

        long getConsecutiveFailedExecutions()
        the number of consecutive failed executions or 0 if the job is not currently failing.
      • getLatestError

        String getLatestError()
        the latest indexing error seen, will not be reset once the job starts working again
      • getLatestErrorTime

        String getLatestErrorTime()
        the time when the latest indexing error has been seen, will not be reset once the job starts working again
      • getFailingIndexStats

        TabularData getFailingIndexStats()