Interface ConverterFunction

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface ConverterFunction
    An functional interface with a convert method that is passed the original object and the target type to perform a custom conversion.

    This interface can also be used to register a custom error handler.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Object CANNOT_HANDLE
      Special object to indicate that a custom converter rule or error handler cannot handle the conversion.
    • Field Detail


        static final Object CANNOT_HANDLE
        Special object to indicate that a custom converter rule or error handler cannot handle the conversion.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        Object apply​(Object obj,
                     Type targetType)
              throws Exception
        Convert the object into the target type.
        obj - The object to be converted. This object will never be null as the convert function will not be invoked for null values.
        targetType - The target type.
        The conversion result or CANNOT_HANDLE to indicate that the convert function cannot handle this conversion. In this case the next matching rule or parent converter will be given a opportunity to convert.
        Exception - the operation can throw an exception if the conversion can not be performed due to incompatible types.