Interface PaginatableResourceList

  • @ProviderType
    public interface PaginatableResourceList
    PaginatableResourceList is a collection of paginated resources. Provides access to the resources, as well as an indication on whether or not more resources are available, and the information necessary to retrieve the next set of resources.
    • Method Detail

      • getNextOffsetValue

        String getNextOffsetValue()
        Returns the value to use to get the next page of resources.
        The next value.
      • getCount

        int getCount()
        Returns the number of resources contained in the list.
        The number of resources.
      • getResources

        List<Resource> getResources()
        Returns the list of resources.
        the list of resources
      • hasMore

        boolean hasMore()
        Indicates whether more results are possible. This is based on the presence of a valid nextOffsetValue or not.
        Whether more results are possible.