Class ComponentSuffixGenerator

  • public class ComponentSuffixGenerator
    extends Object
    Utility class that maintains stacked counters which can be used as suffixes for uniquely identifying names.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentSuffixGenerator

        public ComponentSuffixGenerator()
    • Method Detail

      • getSuffix

        public String getSuffix​(String componentName)
        Gets the suffix for a component name. The suffix scheme is to use an incrementing counter.
        componentName - The name of the component the suffix for which is desired
        The suffix that uniquely identifies the component. If the api is consecutively called for the same component name, an incremented suffix value will be observed.
      • startComponentStack

        public void startComponentStack()
        Creates a new component stack for hierarchical suffixing. Same component names may bear the same suffix given that they are in different hierarchy levels
      • endComponentStack

        public void endComponentStack()
        Ends a component stack
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets the internal structures for maintaining the component stacks and suffixes