Class InputDecorator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class InputDecorator
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Handler class that can be used to decorate input sources. Typical use is to use a filter abstraction (filtered stream, reader) around original input source, and apply additional processing during read operations.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputDecorator

        public InputDecorator()
    • Method Detail

      • decorate

        public abstract InputStream decorate​(IOContext ctxt,
                                             InputStream in)
                                      throws IOException
        Method called by JsonFactory instance when creating parser given an InputStream, when this decorator has been registered.
        ctxt - IO context in use (provides access to declared encoding). NOTE: at this point context may not have all information initialized; specifically auto-detected encoding is only available once parsing starts, which may occur only after this method is called.
        in - Original input source
        InputStream to use; either 'in' as is, or decorator version that typically delogates to 'in'
        IOException - if construction of InputStream fails
      • decorate

        public abstract InputStream decorate​(IOContext ctxt,
                                             byte[] src,
                                             int offset,
                                             int length)
                                      throws IOException
        Method called by JsonFactory instance when creating parser on given "raw" byte source. Method can either construct a InputStream for reading; or return null to indicate that no wrapping should occur.
        ctxt - IO context in use (provides access to declared encoding) NOTE: at this point context may not have all information initialized; specifically auto-detected encoding is only available once parsing starts, which may occur only after this method is called.
        src - Input buffer that contains contents to parse
        offset - Offset of the first available byte in the input buffer
        length - Number of bytes available in the input buffer
        Either InputStream to use as input source; or null to indicate that contents are to be processed as-is by caller
        IOException - if construction of InputStream fails
      • decorate

        public DataInput decorate​(IOContext ctxt,
                                  DataInput input)
                           throws IOException
        Method called by JsonFactory instance when creating parser given an DataInput, when this decorator has been registered.

        Default implementation simply throws UnsupportedOperationException

        ctxt - IO context in use (provides access to declared encoding). NOTE: at this point context may not have all information initialized; specifically auto-detected encoding is only available once parsing starts, which may occur only after this method is called.
        input - Original input source
        InputStream to use; either 'input' as is, or decorator version that typically delogates to 'input'
        IOException - if construction of DataInput fails
      • decorate

        public abstract Reader decorate​(IOContext ctxt,
                                        Reader r)
                                 throws IOException
        Method called by JsonFactory instance when creating parser given an Reader, when this decorator has been registered.
        ctxt - IO context in use (provides access to declared encoding) NOTE: at this point context may not have all information initialized; specifically auto-detected encoding is only available once parsing starts, which may occur only after this method is called.
        r - Original reader
        Reader to use; either passed in argument, or something that calls it (for example, a FilterReader)
        IOException - if construction of Reader fails