Class FileNameUtils

  • public class FileNameUtils
    extends Object
    Generic file name utilities.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileNameUtils

        public FileNameUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getExtension

        public static String getExtension​(String filename)
        Returns the extension (i.e. the part after the last ".") of a file.

        Will return an empty string if the file name doesn't contain any dots. Only the last segment of a the file name is consulted - i.e. all leading directories of the filename parameter are skipped.

        filename - the name of the file to obtain the extension of.
        the extension of filename
      • getBaseName

        public static String getBaseName​(String filename)
        Returns the basename (i.e. the part up to and not including the last ".") of the last path segment of a filename.

        Will return the file name itself if it doesn't contain any dots. All leading directories of the filename parameter are skipped.

        filename - the name of the file to obtain the basename of.
        the basename of filename