Interface TextRun

    • Method Detail

      • getRawText

        String getRawText()
      • setText

        void setText​(String text)
      • setFontColor

        void setFontColor​(Color color)
        Sets the (solid) font color - convenience function
        color - the color
      • getFontSize

        Double getFontSize()
        Returns the font size which is either set directly on this text run or given from the slide layout
        font size in points or null if font size is not set.
      • setFontSize

        void setFontSize​(Double fontSize)
        Sets the font size directly on this text run, if null is given, the font size defaults to the values given from the slide layout
        fontSize - font size in points, if null the underlying fontsize will be unset
      • getFontFamily

        String getFontFamily()
        Get the font family - convenience method for getFontInfo(FontGroup)
        font family or null if not set
      • getFontFamily

        String getFontFamily​(FontGroup fontGroup)
        Get the font family - convenience method for getFontInfo(FontGroup)
        fontGroup - the font group, i.e. the range of glpyhs to be covered. if null, the font group matching the first character will be returned
        font family or null if not set
      • setFontFamily

        void setFontFamily​(String typeface)
        Specifies the typeface, or name of the font that is to be used for this text run - convenience method for calling setFontInfo(FontInfo, FontGroup) with just a font name
        typeface - the font to apply to this text run. The value of null removes the run specific font setting, so the default setting is activated again.
      • setFontFamily

        void setFontFamily​(String typeface,
                           FontGroup fontGroup)
        Specifies the typeface, or name of the font that is to be used for this text run - convenience method for calling setFontInfo(FontInfo, FontGroup) with just a font name
        typeface - the font to apply to this text run. The value of null removes the run specific font setting, so the default setting is activated again.
        fontGroup - the font group, i.e. the range of glpyhs to be covered. if null, the font group matching the first character will be returned
      • getFontInfo

        FontInfo getFontInfo​(FontGroup fontGroup)
        Get the font info for the given font group
        fontGroup - the font group, i.e. the range of glpyhs to be covered. if null, the font group matching the first character will be returned
        font info or null if not set
        POI 3.17-beta2
      • setFontInfo

        void setFontInfo​(FontInfo fontInfo,
                         FontGroup fontGroup)
        Specifies the font to be used for this text run.
        fontInfo - the font to apply to this text run. The value of null removes the run specific font setting, so the default setting is activated again.
        fontGroup - the font group, i.e. the range of glpyhs to be covered. defaults to latin, if null.
        POI 3.17-beta2
      • isBold

        boolean isBold()
        true, if text is bold
      • setBold

        void setBold​(boolean bold)
        Sets the bold state
        bold - set to true for bold text, false for normal weight
      • isItalic

        boolean isItalic()
        true, if text is italic
      • setItalic

        void setItalic​(boolean italic)
        Sets the italic state
        italic - set to true for italic text, false for non-italics
      • isUnderlined

        boolean isUnderlined()
        true, if text is underlined
      • setUnderlined

        void setUnderlined​(boolean underlined)
        Sets the underlined state
        underlined - set to true for underlined text, false for no underlining
      • isStrikethrough

        boolean isStrikethrough()
        true, if text is stroked
      • setStrikethrough

        void setStrikethrough​(boolean stroked)
        Sets the strikethrough state
        stroked - set to true for stroked text, false for no stroking
      • isSubscript

        boolean isSubscript()
        true, if text is sub scripted
      • isSuperscript

        boolean isSuperscript()
        true, if text is super scripted
      • getPitchAndFamily

        byte getPitchAndFamily()
        the pitch and family id or -1 if not applicable
      • getHyperlink

        Hyperlink<?,​?> getHyperlink()
        Return the associated hyperlink
        the associated hyperlink or null if no hyperlink was set
        POI 3.14-Beta2
      • createHyperlink

        Hyperlink<?,​?> createHyperlink()
        Creates a new hyperlink and assigns it to this text run. If the text run has already a hyperlink assigned, return it instead
        the associated hyperlink
        POI 3.14-Beta2
      • getFieldType

        TextRun.FieldType getFieldType()
        Experimental method to determine the field type, e.g. slide number
        the field type or null if text run is not a field