Class AlmostAsIsEscapeUtil

    • Constructor Detail

      • AlmostAsIsEscapeUtil

        public AlmostAsIsEscapeUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • escape

        public void escape​(String escapeChars,
                           StringBuffer buf,
                           char next,
                           int pointer)
        Do not perform any character escaping, except for '%', and ')'.

        Here is the rationale. First, filename patterns do not include escape combinations such as \r or \n. Moreover, characters which have special meaning in logback parsers, such as '{', or '}' cannot be part of file names (so me thinks). The left parenthesis character has special meaning only if it is preceded by %. Thus, the only characters that needs escaping are '%' and ')'.

        Note that this method assumes that it is called after the escape character has been consumed.

        Specified by:
        escape in interface IEscapeUtil
        escape in class RestrictedEscapeUtil