Class ConfigEntry

  • @ProviderType
    public class ConfigEntry
    extends Object
    The ConfigEntry represents one workflow launcher configuration entry
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigEntry

        public ConfigEntry​(int eventType,
                           String glob,
                           String nodetype,
                           String whereClause,
                           String workflow,
                           String id,
                           String description,
                           boolean enabled,
                           List<String> excludeList,
                           List<String> runModes)
        Construct a ConfigEntry with the specified information.
        eventType - one of javax.jcr.observation.Event#NODE_ADDED
        glob - the path pattern, can be regexp, where the event should be watching
        nodetype - type of node to watch
        whereClause - node property conditions to watch
        workflow - the name of the workflow to trigger
        id - the id for this config
        description - description for this config
        enabled - true if the enabled, false for disabled
        excludeList - conditions to exclude from the event
        runModes - runmodes for this config
      • ConfigEntry

        public ConfigEntry​(int eventType,
                           String glob,
                           String nodetype,
                           List<String> whereClauses,
                           String workflow,
                           String id,
                           String description,
                           boolean enabled,
                           List<String> excludeList,
                           List<String> runModes,
                           List<String> features,
                           List<String> disabledFeatures)
        Construct a ConfigEntry with the specified information.
        eventType - one of javax.jcr.observation.Event#NODE_ADDED
        glob - the path pattern, can be regexp, where the event should be watching
        nodetype - type of node to watch
        whereClauses - list of node property conditions. All conditions must be TRUE to launch the workflow. A single condition entry can contain || for OR conditions
        workflow - the name of the workflow to trigger
        id - the id for this config
        description - description for this config
        enabled - true if the enabled, false for disabled
        excludeList - conditions to exclude from the event
        runModes - runmodes for this config
        features - features which must be enabled for this launcher to be active
        disabledFeatures - features which must be disabled for this launcher to be active
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkflow

        public String getWorkflow()
        Return the name of the workflow to trigger.
        workflow name.
      • setWorkflow

        public void setWorkflow​(String workflow)
        Set the name of the workflow to trigger.
        workflow - workflow name
      • getEventType

        public int getEventType()
        Return the JCR Event Type that triggers this config.
        event type
      • setEventType

        public void setEventType​(int eventType)
        Set the event type to watch.
        eventType - event type to listen to.
      • getGlob

        public String getGlob()
        Returns the path pattern that triggers this launcher configuration.
        path pattern.
      • setGlob

        public void setGlob​(String glob)
        Set the path pattern to trigger this launcher configuration.
        glob - path pattern.
      • getNodetype

        public String getNodetype()
        Get the node type associated with this launcher.
        node type
      • setNodetype

        public void setNodetype​(String nodetype)
        Set the node type associated with this launcher.
        nodetype - the node type
      • getWhereClause

        public String getWhereClause()
        use #getWhereClauses()
        Return the where clause for this trigger. The where clause is a condition of node properties, e.g. approved==true
        where clause
      • getWhereClauses

        public List<String> getWhereClauses()
        Return the where clause for this trigger. The where clause is a condition of node properties, e.g. approved==true
        where clause
      • setWhereClause

        public void setWhereClause​(String whereClause)
        use #setWhereClauses
        Set the where clause for this trigger.
        whereClause - condition
      • setWhereClauses

        public void setWhereClauses​(List<String> whereClauses)
        Set the where clause for this trigger.
        whereClauses - conditions
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Return the ID of this trigger.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        Set the Id of this trigger
        id - trigger id.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Get the description for this launcher configuration.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Set the description for this launcher configuration.
        description - a new description.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Returns if this launcher configuration is enabled or not.
        true if the configuration is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Enables or disables this launcher configuration.
        enabled - true to enable this configuration, false otherwise.
      • getExcludeList

        public List<String> getExcludeList()
        Returns a list of exclude conditions. If conditions in this list evaluate to true the launcher configuration does not trigger.
        list of conditions
      • setExcludeList

        public void setExcludeList​(List<String> excludeList)
        Set the list of exclude conditions.
        excludeList - new exclude conditions list.
      • getRunModes

        public List<String> getRunModes()
        Return the list of runmode associated with this launcher configuration.
        list of run modes.
      • setRunModes

        public void setRunModes​(List<String> runModes)
        Set the run moodes associated with this launcher configuration.
        runModes - list of runmodes.
      • getFeatures

        public List<String> getFeatures()
        return a list of features which must be enabled for this launcher configuration to be enabled
        list of features for this launcher
      • getDisabledFeatures

        public List<String> getDisabledFeatures()
        return a list of features which must be disabled or not found for this launcher configuration to be enabled
        list of features for this launcher
      • setFeatures

        public void setFeatures​(List<String> features)
        sets a list of features which must be enabled for this launcher configuration to be enabled
        features - list of features for this launcher
      • setDisabledFeatures

        public void setDisabledFeatures​(List<String> disabledFeatures)
        sets a list of features which must be disabled for this launcher configuration to be enabled
        disabledFeatures - list of features which must be disabled