Interface ExtendedAsynchronousByteChannel

    • Method Detail

      • read

        <A> void read​(ByteBuffer dst,
                      long timeout,
                      TimeUnit unit,
                      A attach,
                      CompletionHandler<Integer,​? super A> handler)
        Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer.

        This method initiates an asynchronous read operation to read a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer. The handler parameter is a completion handler that is invoked when the read operation completes (or fails). The result passed to the completion handler is the number of bytes read or -1 if no bytes could be read because the channel has reached end-of-stream.

        If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes then the operation completes with the exception InterruptedByTimeoutException. Where a timeout occurs, and the implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been read, or will not be read from the channel into the given buffer, then further attempts to read from the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be thrown.

        Otherwise this method works in the same manner as the, Object, CompletionHandler) method.

        dst - The buffer into which bytes are to be transferred
        timeout - The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
        unit - The time unit of the timeout argument
        attach - The object to attach to the I/O operation; can be null
        handler - The handler for consuming the result
        IllegalArgumentException - If the buffer is read-only
        ReadPendingException - If a read operation is already in progress on this channel
        ShutdownChannelGroupException - If the channel group has terminated
      • read

        <A> void read​(ByteBuffer[] dsts,
                      int offset,
                      int length,
                      long timeout,
                      TimeUnit unit,
                      A attach,
                      CompletionHandler<Long,​? super A> handler)
        Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers. This operation, sometimes called a scattering read, is often useful when implementing network protocols that group data into segments consisting of one or more fixed-length headers followed by a variable-length body. The handler parameter is a completion handler that is invoked when the read operation completes (or fails). The result passed to the completion handler is the number of bytes read or -1 if no bytes could be read because the channel has reached end-of-stream.

        This method initiates a read of up to r bytes from this channel, where r is the total number of bytes remaining in the specified subsequence of the given buffer array, that is,

             + dsts[offset+1].remaining()
             + ... + dsts[offset+length-1].remaining()

        at the moment that the read is attempted.

        Suppose that a byte sequence of length n is read, where 0 < n <= r. Up to the first dsts[offset].remaining() bytes of this sequence are transferred into buffer dsts[offset], up to the next dsts[offset+1].remaining() bytes are transferred into buffer dsts[offset+1], and so forth, until the entire byte sequence is transferred into the given buffers. As many bytes as possible are transferred into each buffer, hence the final position of each updated buffer, except the last updated buffer, is guaranteed to be equal to that buffer's limit. The underlying operating system may impose a limit on the number of buffers that may be used in an I/O operation. Where the number of buffers (with bytes remaining), exceeds this limit, then the I/O operation is performed with the maximum number of buffers allowed by the operating system.

        If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes then it completes with the exception InterruptedByTimeoutException. Where a timeout occurs, and the implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been read, or will not be read from the channel into the given buffers, then further attempts to read from the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be thrown.

        dsts - The buffers into which bytes are to be transferred
        offset - The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer into which bytes are to be transferred; must be non-negative and no larger than dsts.length
        length - The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than dsts.length - offset
        timeout - The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
        unit - The time unit of the timeout argument
        attach - The object to attach to the I/O operation; can be null
        handler - The handler for consuming the result
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the pre-conditions for the offset and length parameter aren't met
        IllegalArgumentException - If the buffer is read-only
        ReadPendingException - If a read operation is already in progress on this channel
        ShutdownChannelGroupException - If the channel group has terminated
      • write

        <A> void write​(ByteBuffer src,
                       long timeout,
                       TimeUnit unit,
                       A attach,
                       CompletionHandler<Integer,​? super A> handler)
        Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer.

        This method initiates an asynchronous write operation to write a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer. The handler parameter is a completion handler that is invoked when the write operation completes (or fails). The result passed to the completion handler is the number of bytes written.

        If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes then it completes with the exception InterruptedByTimeoutException. Where a timeout occurs, and the implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been written, or will not be written to the channel from the given buffer, then further attempts to write to the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be thrown.

        Otherwise this method works in the same manner as the AsynchronousByteChannel.write(ByteBuffer, Object, CompletionHandler) method.

        src - The buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved
        timeout - The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
        unit - The time unit of the timeout argument
        attach - The object to attach to the I/O operation; can be null
        handler - The handler for consuming the result
        WritePendingException - If a write operation is already in progress on this channel
        ShutdownChannelGroupException - If the channel group has terminated
      • write

        <A> void write​(ByteBuffer[] srcs,
                       int offset,
                       int length,
                       long timeout,
                       TimeUnit unit,
                       A attach,
                       CompletionHandler<Long,​? super A> handler)
        Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers. This operation, sometimes called a gathering write, is often useful when implementing network protocols that group data into segments consisting of one or more fixed-length headers followed by a variable-length body. The handler parameter is a completion handler that is invoked when the write operation completes (or fails). The result passed to the completion handler is the number of bytes written.

        This method initiates a write of up to r bytes to this channel, where r is the total number of bytes remaining in the specified subsequence of the given buffer array, that is,

             + srcs[offset+1].remaining()
             + ... + srcs[offset+length-1].remaining()

        at the moment that the write is attempted.

        Suppose that a byte sequence of length n is written, where 0 < n <= r. Up to the first srcs[offset].remaining() bytes of this sequence are written from buffer srcs[offset], up to the next srcs[offset+1].remaining() bytes are written from buffer srcs[offset+1], and so forth, until the entire byte sequence is written. As many bytes as possible are written from each buffer, hence the final position of each updated buffer, except the last updated buffer, is guaranteed to be equal to that buffer's limit. The underlying operating system may impose a limit on the number of buffers that may be used in an I/O operation. Where the number of buffers (with bytes remaining), exceeds this limit, then the I/O operation is performed with the maximum number of buffers allowed by the operating system.

        If a timeout is specified and the timeout elapses before the operation completes then it completes with the exception InterruptedByTimeoutException. Where a timeout occurs, and the implementation cannot guarantee that bytes have not been written, or will not be written to the channel from the given buffers, then further attempts to write to the channel will cause an unspecific runtime exception to be thrown.

        srcs - The buffers from which bytes are to be retrieved
        offset - The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved; must be non-negative and no larger than srcs.length
        length - The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than srcs.length - offset
        timeout - The maximum time for the I/O operation to complete
        unit - The time unit of the timeout argument
        attach - The object to attach to the I/O operation; can be null
        handler - The handler for consuming the result
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - If the pre-conditions for the offset and length parameter aren't met
        WritePendingException - If a write operation is already in progress on this channel
        ShutdownChannelGroupException - If the channel group has terminated