Class BytePropertyNode<T extends BytePropertyNode<T>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, Comparable<T>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class BytePropertyNode<T extends BytePropertyNode<T>>
    extends PropertyNode<T>
    byte positions shall not be saved in memory
    Normally PropertyNodes only ever work in characters, but a few cases actually store bytes, and this lets everything still work despite that. It handles the conversion as required between bytes and characters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BytePropertyNode

        public BytePropertyNode​(int charStart,
                                int charEnd,
                                Object buf)
    • Method Detail

      • getStartBytes

        public int getStartBytes()
        Though bytes are actually stored in file, it is advised to use char positions for all operations. Including save operations, because only char positions are preserved.
      • getEndBytes

        public int getEndBytes()
        Though bytes are actually stored in file, it is advised to use char positions for all operations. Including save operations, because only char positions are preserved.