Class SXSSFWorkbook

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, Iterable<Sheet>, Workbook
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class SXSSFWorkbook
    extends Object
    implements Workbook
    Streaming version of XSSFWorkbook implementing the "BigGridDemo" strategy. This allows to write very large files without running out of memory as only a configurable portion of the rows are kept in memory at any one time. You can provide a template workbook which is used as basis for the written data. See for details. Please note that there are still things that still may consume a large amount of memory based on which features you are using, e.g. merged regions, comments, ... are still only stored in memory and thus may require a lot of memory if used extensively. SXSSFWorkbook defaults to using inline strings instead of a shared strings table. This is very efficient, since no document content needs to be kept in memory, but is also known to produce documents that are incompatible with some clients. With shared strings enabled all unique strings in the document has to be kept in memory. Depending on your document content this could use a lot more resources than with shared strings disabled. Carefully review your memory budget and compatibility needs before deciding whether to enable shared strings or not.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SXSSFWorkbook

        public SXSSFWorkbook()
        Construct a new workbook with default row window size
      • SXSSFWorkbook

        public SXSSFWorkbook​(XSSFWorkbook workbook)

        Construct a workbook from a template.

        There are three use-cases to use SXSSFWorkbook(XSSFWorkbook) :
        1. Append new sheets to existing workbooks. You can open existing workbook from a file or create on the fly with XSSF.
        2. Append rows to existing sheets. The row number MUST be greater than max(rownum) in the template sheet.
        3. Use existing workbook as a template and re-use global objects such as cell styles, formats, images, etc.
        All three use cases can work in a combination. What is not supported:
        • Access initial cells and rows in the template. After constructing all internal windows are empty and SXSSFSheet.getRow(int) and SXSSFRow.getCell(int) return null.
        • Override existing cells and rows. The API silently allows that but the output file is invalid and Excel cannot read it.
        workbook - the template workbook
      • SXSSFWorkbook

        public SXSSFWorkbook​(XSSFWorkbook workbook,
                             int rowAccessWindowSize)
        Constructs an workbook from an existing workbook.

        When a new node is created via SXSSFSheet.createRow(int) and the total number of unflushed records would exceed the specified value, then the row with the lowest index value is flushed and cannot be accessed via SXSSFSheet.getRow(int) anymore.

        A value of -1 indicates unlimited access. In this case all records that have not been flushed by a call to flush() are available for random access.

        A value of 0 is not allowed because it would flush any newly created row without having a chance to specify any cells.

        rowAccessWindowSize - the number of rows that are kept in memory until flushed out, see above.
      • SXSSFWorkbook

        public SXSSFWorkbook​(XSSFWorkbook workbook,
                             int rowAccessWindowSize,
                             boolean compressTmpFiles)
        Constructs an workbook from an existing workbook.

        When a new node is created via SXSSFSheet.createRow(int) and the total number of unflushed records would exceed the specified value, then the row with the lowest index value is flushed and cannot be accessed via SXSSFSheet.getRow(int) anymore.

        A value of -1 indicates unlimited access. In this case all records that have not been flushed by a call to flush() are available for random access.

        A value of 0 is not allowed because it would flush any newly created row without having a chance to specify any cells.

        rowAccessWindowSize - the number of rows that are kept in memory until flushed out, see above.
        compressTmpFiles - whether to use gzip compression for temporary files
      • SXSSFWorkbook

        public SXSSFWorkbook​(XSSFWorkbook workbook,
                             int rowAccessWindowSize,
                             boolean compressTmpFiles,
                             boolean useSharedStringsTable)
        Constructs an workbook from an existing workbook.

        When a new node is created via SXSSFSheet.createRow(int) and the total number of unflushed records would exceed the specified value, then the row with the lowest index value is flushed and cannot be accessed via SXSSFSheet.getRow(int) anymore.

        A value of -1 indicates unlimited access. In this case all records that have not been flushed by a call to flush() are available for random access.

        A value of 0 is not allowed because it would flush any newly created row without having a chance to specify any cells.

        workbook - the template workbook
        rowAccessWindowSize - the number of rows that are kept in memory until flushed out, see above.
        compressTmpFiles - whether to use gzip compression for temporary files
        useSharedStringsTable - whether to use a shared strings table
      • SXSSFWorkbook

        public SXSSFWorkbook​(int rowAccessWindowSize)
        Construct an empty workbook and specify the window for row access.

        When a new node is created via SXSSFSheet.createRow(int) and the total number of unflushed records would exceed the specified value, then the row with the lowest index value is flushed and cannot be accessed via SXSSFSheet.getRow(int) anymore.

        A value of -1 indicates unlimited access. In this case all records that have not been flushed by a call to flush() are available for random access.

        A value of 0 is not allowed because it would flush any newly created row without having a chance to specify any cells.

        rowAccessWindowSize - the number of rows that are kept in memory until flushed out, see above.
    • Method Detail

      • getRandomAccessWindowSize

        public int getRandomAccessWindowSize()
        See the constructors for a more detailed description of the sliding window of rows.
        The number of rows that are kept in memory at once before flushing them out.
      • isCompressTempFiles

        public boolean isCompressTempFiles()
        Get whether temp files should be compressed.
        whether to compress temp files
      • setCompressTempFiles

        public void setCompressTempFiles​(boolean compress)
        Set whether temp files should be compressed.

        SXSSF writes sheet data in temporary files (a temp file per-sheet) and the size of these temp files can grow to to a very large size, e.g. for a 20 MB csv data the size of the temp xml file become few GB large. If the "compress" flag is set to true then the temporary XML is gzipped.

        Please note the the "compress" option may cause performance penalty.

        Setting this option only affects compression for subsequent createSheet() calls.

        compress - whether to compress temp files
      • getActiveSheetIndex

        public int getActiveSheetIndex()
        Convenience method to get the active sheet. The active sheet is is the sheet which is currently displayed when the workbook is viewed in Excel. 'Selected' sheet(s) is a distinct concept.
        Specified by:
        getActiveSheetIndex in interface Workbook
        the index of the active sheet (0-based)
      • setActiveSheet

        public void setActiveSheet​(int sheetIndex)
        Convenience method to set the active sheet. The active sheet is is the sheet which is currently displayed when the workbook is viewed in Excel. 'Selected' sheet(s) is a distinct concept.
        Specified by:
        setActiveSheet in interface Workbook
        sheetIndex - index of the active sheet (0-based)
      • getFirstVisibleTab

        public int getFirstVisibleTab()
        Gets the first tab that is displayed in the list of tabs in excel.
        Specified by:
        getFirstVisibleTab in interface Workbook
        the first tab that to display in the list of tabs (0-based).
      • setFirstVisibleTab

        public void setFirstVisibleTab​(int sheetIndex)
        Sets the first tab that is displayed in the list of tabs in excel.
        Specified by:
        setFirstVisibleTab in interface Workbook
        sheetIndex - the first tab that to display in the list of tabs (0-based)
      • setSheetOrder

        public void setSheetOrder​(String sheetname,
                                  int pos)
        Sets the order of appearance for a given sheet.
        Specified by:
        setSheetOrder in interface Workbook
        sheetname - the name of the sheet to reorder
        pos - the position that we want to insert the sheet into (0 based)
      • setSelectedTab

        public void setSelectedTab​(int index)
        Sets the tab whose data is actually seen when the sheet is opened. This may be different from the "selected sheet" since excel seems to allow you to show the data of one sheet when another is seen "selected" in the tabs (at the bottom).
        Specified by:
        setSelectedTab in interface Workbook
        index - the index of the sheet to select (0 based)
        See Also:
      • getSheetName

        public String getSheetName​(int sheet)
        Set the sheet name
        Specified by:
        getSheetName in interface Workbook
        sheet - sheet number (0 based)
        Sheet name
      • getSheetIndex

        public int getSheetIndex​(String name)
        Returns the index of the sheet by his name
        Specified by:
        getSheetIndex in interface Workbook
        name - the sheet name
        index of the sheet (0 based)
      • getSheetIndex

        public int getSheetIndex​(Sheet sheet)
        Returns the index of the given sheet
        Specified by:
        getSheetIndex in interface Workbook
        sheet - the sheet to look up
        index of the sheet (0 based)
      • createSheet

        public SXSSFSheet createSheet()
        Sreate an Sheet for this Workbook, adds it to the sheets and returns the high level representation. Use this to create new sheets.
        Specified by:
        createSheet in interface Workbook
        Sheet representing the new sheet.
      • cloneSheet

        public Sheet cloneSheet​(int sheetNum)
        Not implemented for SXSSFWorkbook Create an Sheet from an existing sheet in the Workbook.
        Specified by:
        cloneSheet in interface Workbook
        Sheet representing the cloned sheet.
      • getNumberOfSheets

        public int getNumberOfSheets()
        Get the number of spreadsheets in the workbook
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfSheets in interface Workbook
        the number of sheets
      • sheetIterator

        public Iterator<Sheet> sheetIterator()
        Returns an iterator of the sheets in the workbook in sheet order. Includes hidden and very hidden sheets.
        Specified by:
        sheetIterator in interface Workbook
        an iterator of the sheets.
      • getSheetAt

        public SXSSFSheet getSheetAt​(int index)
        Get the Sheet object at the given index.
        Specified by:
        getSheetAt in interface Workbook
        index - of the sheet number (0-based physical and logical)
        Sheet at the provided index
      • getSheet

        public SXSSFSheet getSheet​(String name)
        Get sheet with the given name
        Specified by:
        getSheet in interface Workbook
        name - of the sheet
        Sheet with the name provided or null if it does not exist
      • removeSheetAt

        public void removeSheetAt​(int index)
        Removes sheet at the given index
        Specified by:
        removeSheetAt in interface Workbook
        index - of the sheet to remove (0-based)
      • createFont

        public Font createFont()
        Create a new Font and add it to the workbook's font table
        Specified by:
        createFont in interface Workbook
        new font object
      • findFont

        public Font findFont​(boolean bold,
                             short color,
                             short fontHeight,
                             String name,
                             boolean italic,
                             boolean strikeout,
                             short typeOffset,
                             byte underline)
        Finds a font that matches the one with the supplied attributes
        Specified by:
        findFont in interface Workbook
        the font with the matched attributes or null
      • getNumberOfFonts

        public short getNumberOfFonts()
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Get the number of fonts in the font table
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfFonts in interface Workbook
        number of fonts
      • getNumberOfFontsAsInt

        public int getNumberOfFontsAsInt()
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Get the number of fonts in the font table
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfFontsAsInt in interface Workbook
        number of fonts
      • getFontAt

        public Font getFontAt​(short idx)
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Get the font at the given index number
        Specified by:
        getFontAt in interface Workbook
        idx - index number (0-based)
        font at the index
      • getFontAt

        public Font getFontAt​(int idx)
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Get the font at the given index number
        Specified by:
        getFontAt in interface Workbook
        idx - index number (0-based)
        font at the index
      • createCellStyle

        public CellStyle createCellStyle()
        Create a new Cell style and add it to the workbook's style table
        Specified by:
        createCellStyle in interface Workbook
        the new Cell Style object
      • getNumCellStyles

        public int getNumCellStyles()
        Get the number of styles the workbook contains
        Specified by:
        getNumCellStyles in interface Workbook
        count of cell styles
      • getCellStyleAt

        public CellStyle getCellStyleAt​(int idx)
        Get the cell style object at the given index
        Specified by:
        getCellStyleAt in interface Workbook
        idx - index within the set of styles (0-based)
        CellStyle object at the index
      • write

        public void write​(OutputStream stream)
                   throws IOException
        Write out this workbook to an OutputStream.
        Specified by:
        write in interface Workbook
        stream - - the java OutputStream you wish to write to
        IOException - if anything can't be written.
      • dispose

        public boolean dispose()
        Dispose of temporary files backing this workbook on disk. Calling this method will render the workbook unusable.
        true if all temporary files were deleted successfully.
      • getNumberOfNames

        public int getNumberOfNames()
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfNames in interface Workbook
        the total number of defined names in this workbook
      • getName

        public Name getName​(String name)
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Workbook
        name - the name of the defined name
        the defined name with the specified name. null if not found.
      • getNames

        public List<? extends Name> getNames​(String name)
        Returns all defined names with the given name.
        Specified by:
        getNames in interface Workbook
        name - the name of the defined name
        a list of the defined names with the specified name. An empty list is returned if none is found.
      • getAllNames

        public List<? extends Name> getAllNames()
        Returns all defined names
        Specified by:
        getAllNames in interface Workbook
        all defined names
      • createName

        public Name createName()
        Creates a new (uninitialised) defined name in this workbook
        Specified by:
        createName in interface Workbook
        new defined name object
      • removeName

        public void removeName​(Name name)
        Remove the given defined name
        Specified by:
        removeName in interface Workbook
        name - the name to remove
      • setPrintArea

        public void setPrintArea​(int sheetIndex,
                                 String reference)
        Sets the printarea for the sheet provided

        i.e. Reference = $A$1:$B$2

        Specified by:
        setPrintArea in interface Workbook
        sheetIndex - Zero-based sheet index (0 Represents the first sheet to keep consistent with java)
        reference - Valid name Reference for the Print Area
      • setPrintArea

        public void setPrintArea​(int sheetIndex,
                                 int startColumn,
                                 int endColumn,
                                 int startRow,
                                 int endRow)
        For the Convenience of Java Programmers maintaining pointers.
        Specified by:
        setPrintArea in interface Workbook
        sheetIndex - Zero-based sheet index (0 = First Sheet)
        startColumn - Column to begin printarea
        endColumn - Column to end the printarea
        startRow - Row to begin the printarea
        endRow - Row to end the printarea
        See Also:
        setPrintArea(int, String)
      • getPrintArea

        public String getPrintArea​(int sheetIndex)
        Retrieves the reference for the printarea of the specified sheet, the sheet name is appended to the reference even if it was not specified.
        Specified by:
        getPrintArea in interface Workbook
        sheetIndex - Zero-based sheet index (0 Represents the first sheet to keep consistent with java)
        String Null if no print area has been defined
      • removePrintArea

        public void removePrintArea​(int sheetIndex)
        Delete the printarea for the sheet specified
        Specified by:
        removePrintArea in interface Workbook
        sheetIndex - Zero-based sheet index (0 = First Sheet)
      • createDataFormat

        public DataFormat createDataFormat()
        Returns the instance of DataFormat for this workbook.
        Specified by:
        createDataFormat in interface Workbook
        the DataFormat object
      • getCreationHelper

        public CreationHelper getCreationHelper()
        Returns an object that handles instantiating concrete classes of the various instances one needs for HSSF, XSSF and SXSSF.
        Specified by:
        getCreationHelper in interface Workbook
      • isHidden

        @NotImplemented("XSSFWorkbook#isHidden is not implemented")
        public boolean isHidden()
        Specified by:
        isHidden in interface Workbook
        false if this workbook is not visible in the GUI
      • setHidden

        @NotImplemented("XSSFWorkbook#setHidden is not implemented")
        public void setHidden​(boolean hiddenFlag)
        Specified by:
        setHidden in interface Workbook
        hiddenFlag - pass false to make the workbook visible in the GUI
      • getSheetVisibility

        public SheetVisibility getSheetVisibility​(int sheetIx)
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Get the visibility (visible, hidden, very hidden) of a sheet in this workbook
        Specified by:
        getSheetVisibility in interface Workbook
        sheetIx - the index of the sheet
        the sheet visibility
      • setSheetHidden

        public void setSheetHidden​(int sheetIx,
                                   boolean hidden)
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Hide or unhide a sheet. Please note that the sheet currently set as active sheet (sheet 0 in a newly created workbook or the one set via setActiveSheet()) cannot be hidden.
        Specified by:
        setSheetHidden in interface Workbook
        sheetIx - the sheet index (0-based)
        hidden - True to mark the sheet as hidden, false otherwise
        See Also:
        Workbook.setSheetVisibility(int, SheetVisibility)
      • setSheetVisibility

        public void setSheetVisibility​(int sheetIx,
                                       SheetVisibility visibility)
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Hide or unhide a sheet. Please note that the sheet currently set as active sheet (sheet 0 in a newly created workbook or the one set via setActiveSheet()) cannot be hidden.
        Specified by:
        setSheetVisibility in interface Workbook
        sheetIx - the sheet index (0-based)
        visibility - the sheet visibility to set
      • getNameAt

        public Name getNameAt​(int nameIndex)
        3.16. New projects should avoid accessing named ranges by index.
        Specified by:
        getNameAt in interface Workbook
        nameIndex - position of the named range (0-based)
        the defined name at the specified index
        IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied index is invalid
      • getNameIndex

        public int getNameIndex​(String name)
        3.16. New projects should avoid accessing named ranges by index. Use getName(String) instead.
        Gets the defined name index by name Note: Excel defined names are case-insensitive and this method performs a case-insensitive search.
        Specified by:
        getNameIndex in interface Workbook
        name - the name of the defined name
        zero based index of the defined name. -1 if not found.
      • linkExternalWorkbook

        public int linkExternalWorkbook​(String name,
                                        Workbook workbook)
        Not implemented for SXSSFWorkbook Adds the LinkTable records required to allow formulas referencing the specified external workbook to be added to this one. Allows formulas such as "[MyOtherWorkbook]Sheet3!$A$5" to be added to the file, for workbooks not already referenced. Note: this is not implemented and thus currently throws an Exception stating this.
        Specified by:
        linkExternalWorkbook in interface Workbook
        name - The name the workbook will be referenced as in formulas
        workbook - The open workbook to fetch the link required information from
        RuntimeException - stating that this method is not implemented yet.
      • addToolPack

        public void addToolPack​(UDFFinder toopack)
        Register a new toolpack in this workbook.
        Specified by:
        addToolPack in interface Workbook
        toopack - the toolpack to register
      • setForceFormulaRecalculation

        public void setForceFormulaRecalculation​(boolean value)
        Whether the application shall perform a full recalculation when the workbook is opened.

        Typically you want to force formula recalculation when you modify cell formulas or values of a workbook previously created by Excel. When set to 0, this flag will tell Excel that it needs to recalculate all formulas in the workbook the next time the file is opened.

        Specified by:
        setForceFormulaRecalculation in interface Workbook
        value - true if the application will perform a full recalculation of workbook values when the workbook is opened
      • getForceFormulaRecalculation

        public boolean getForceFormulaRecalculation()
        Whether Excel will be asked to recalculate all formulas when the workbook is opened.
        Specified by:
        getForceFormulaRecalculation in interface Workbook
      • getSpreadsheetVersion

        public SpreadsheetVersion getSpreadsheetVersion()
        Returns the spreadsheet version (EXCLE2007) of this workbook
        Specified by:
        getSpreadsheetVersion in interface Workbook
        EXCEL2007 SpreadsheetVersion enum
        3.14 beta 2
      • addOlePackage

        public int addOlePackage​(byte[] oleData,
                                 String label,
                                 String fileName,
                                 String command)
                          throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Workbook
        Adds an OLE package manager object with the given content to the sheet
        Specified by:
        addOlePackage in interface Workbook
        oleData - the payload
        label - the label of the payload
        fileName - the original filename
        command - the command to open the payload
        the index of the added ole object, i.e. the storage id
        IOException - if the object can't be embedded