Class XSSFCell

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class XSSFCell
    extends Object
    implements Cell
    High level representation of a cell in a row of a spreadsheet.

    Cells can be numeric, formula-based or string-based (text). The cell type specifies this. String cells cannot contain numbers and numeric cells cannot contain strings (at least according to our model). Client apps should do the conversions themselves. Formula cells have the formula string, as well as the formula result, which can be numeric or string.

    Cells should have their number (0 based) before being added to a row. Only cells that have values should be added.

    • Method Detail

      • copyCellFrom

        public void copyCellFrom​(Cell srcCell,
                                 CellCopyPolicy policy)
        Copy cell value, formula and style, from srcCell per cell copy policy If srcCell is null, clears the cell value and cell style per cell copy policy This does not shift references in formulas. Use XSSFRowShifter to shift references in formulas.
        srcCell - The cell to take value, formula and style from
        policy - The policy for copying the information, see CellCopyPolicy
        IllegalArgumentException - if copy cell style and srcCell is from a different workbook
      • getSheet

        public XSSFSheet getSheet()
        Returns the sheet this cell belongs to
        Specified by:
        getSheet in interface Cell
        the sheet this cell belongs to
      • getRow

        public XSSFRow getRow()
        Returns the row this cell belongs to
        Specified by:
        getRow in interface Cell
        the row this cell belongs to
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(boolean value)
        Set a boolean value for the cell
        Specified by:
        setCellValue in interface Cell
        value - the boolean value to set this cell to. For formulas we'll set the precalculated value, for booleans we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to a boolean cell and set its value.
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(double value)
        Set a numeric value for the cell
        Specified by:
        setCellValue in interface Cell
        value - the numeric value to set this cell to. For formulas we'll set the precalculated value, for numerics we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to a numeric cell and set its value.
      • getStringCellValue

        public String getStringCellValue()
        Get the value of the cell as a string

        For numeric cells we throw an exception. For blank cells we return an empty string. For formulaCells that are not string Formulas, we throw an exception

        Specified by:
        getStringCellValue in interface Cell
        the value of the cell as a string
      • getRichStringCellValue

        public XSSFRichTextString getRichStringCellValue()
        Get the value of the cell as a XSSFRichTextString

        For numeric cells we throw an exception. For blank cells we return an empty string. For formula cells we return the pre-calculated value if a string, otherwise an exception

        Specified by:
        getRichStringCellValue in interface Cell
        the value of the cell as a XSSFRichTextString
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(String str)
        Set a string value for the cell.
        Specified by:
        setCellValue in interface Cell
        str - value to set the cell to. For formulas we'll set the formula cached string result, for String cells we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to a string cell and set its value. If value is null then we will change the cell to a Blank cell.
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(RichTextString str)
        Set a string value for the cell.
        Specified by:
        setCellValue in interface Cell
        str - value to set the cell to. For formulas we'll set the 'pre-evaluated result string, for String cells we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to a string cell and set its value. If value is null then we will change the cell to a Blank cell.
      • setCellFormula

        public void setCellFormula​(String formula)
        Sets formula for this cell.

        Note, this method only sets the formula string and does not calculate the formula value. To set the precalculated value use setCellValue(double) or setCellValue(String)

        Note, if there are any shared formulas, his will invalidate any FormulaEvaluator instances based on this workbook.

        Specified by:
        setCellFormula in interface Cell
        formula - the formula to set, e.g. "SUM(C4:E4)". If the argument is null then the current formula is removed.
        FormulaParseException - if the formula has incorrect syntax or is otherwise invalid
        IllegalStateException - if the operation is not allowed, for example, when the cell is a part of a multi-cell array formula
      • getColumnIndex

        public int getColumnIndex()
        Returns column index of this cell
        Specified by:
        getColumnIndex in interface Cell
        zero-based column index of a column in a sheet.
      • getRowIndex

        public int getRowIndex()
        Returns row index of a row in the sheet that contains this cell
        Specified by:
        getRowIndex in interface Cell
        zero-based row index of a row in the sheet that contains this cell
      • getReference

        public String getReference()
        Returns an A1 style reference to the location of this cell
        A1 style reference to the location of this cell
      • getAddress

        public CellAddress getAddress()
        Gets the address of this cell
        Specified by:
        getAddress in interface Cell
        A1 style address of this cell
      • setCellStyle

        public void setCellStyle​(CellStyle style)

        Set the style for the cell. The style should be an XSSFCellStyle created/retreived from the XSSFWorkbook.

        To change the style of a cell without affecting other cells that use the same style, use CellUtil.setCellStyleProperties(Cell, java.util.Map)

        Specified by:
        setCellStyle in interface Cell
        style - reference contained in the workbook. If the value is null then the style information is removed causing the cell to used the default workbook style.
        IllegalArgumentException - if style belongs to a different styles source (most likely because style is from a different Workbook)
        See Also:
      • getCellType

        public CellType getCellType()
        Return the cell type. Tables in an array formula return CellType.FORMULA for all cells, even though the formula is only defined in the OOXML file for the top left cell of the array.

        NOTE: POI does not support data table formulas. Cells in a data table appear to POI as plain cells typed from their cached value.

        Specified by:
        getCellType in interface Cell
        the cell type
      • getCellTypeEnum

        public CellType getCellTypeEnum()
        use getCellType instead
        Return the cell type. Tables in an array formula return CellType.FORMULA for all cells, even though the formula is only defined in the OOXML file for the top left cell of the array.

        NOTE: POI does not support data table formulas. Cells in a data table appear to POI as plain cells typed from their cached value.

        Specified by:
        getCellTypeEnum in interface Cell
        the cell type
        POI 3.15 beta 3
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(Date value)
        Set a date value for the cell. Excel treats dates as numeric so you will need to format the cell as a date.
        Specified by:
        setCellValue in interface Cell
        value - the date value to set this cell to. For formulas we'll set the precalculated value, for numerics we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to a numeric cell and set its value.
      • setCellValue

        public void setCellValue​(Calendar value)
        Set a date value for the cell. Excel treats dates as numeric so you will need to format the cell as a date.

        This will set the cell value based on the Calendar's timezone. As Excel does not support timezones this means that both 20:00+03:00 and 20:00-03:00 will be reported as the same value (20:00) even that there are 6 hours difference between the two times. This difference can be preserved by using setCellValue(value.getTime()) which will automatically shift the times to the default timezone.

        Specified by:
        setCellValue in interface Cell
        value - the date value to set this cell to. For formulas we'll set the precalculated value, for numerics we'll set its value. For othertypes we will change the cell to a numeric cell and set its value.
      • setCellErrorValue

        public void setCellErrorValue​(byte errorCode)
        Set a error value for the cell
        Specified by:
        setCellErrorValue in interface Cell
        errorCode - the error value to set this cell to. For formulas we'll set the precalculated value , for errors we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to an error cell and set its value.
        See Also:
      • setCellErrorValue

        public void setCellErrorValue​(FormulaError error)
        Set a error value for the cell
        error - the error value to set this cell to. For formulas we'll set the precalculated value , for errors we'll set its value. For other types we will change the cell to an error cell and set its value.
      • setAsActiveCell

        public void setAsActiveCell()
        Sets this cell as the active cell for the worksheet
        Specified by:
        setAsActiveCell in interface Cell
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the cell

        Formula cells return the formula string, rather than the formula result. Dates are displayed in dd-MMM-yyyy format Errors are displayed as #ERR<errIdx>

        toString in class Object
      • getRawValue

        public String getRawValue()
        Returns the raw, underlying ooxml value for the cell

        If the cell contains a string, then this value is an index into the shared string table, pointing to the actual string value. Otherwise, the value of the cell is expressed directly in this element. Cells containing formulas express the last calculated result of the formula in this element.

        the raw cell value as contained in the underlying CTCell bean, null for blank cells.
      • getCellComment

        public XSSFComment getCellComment()
        Returns cell comment associated with this cell
        Specified by:
        getCellComment in interface Cell
        the cell comment associated with this cell or null
      • setCellComment

        public void setCellComment​(Comment comment)
        Assign a comment to this cell. If the supplied comment is null, the comment for this cell will be removed.
        Specified by:
        setCellComment in interface Cell
        comment - the XSSFComment associated with this cell
      • removeCellComment

        public void removeCellComment()
        Removes the comment for this cell, if there is one.
        Specified by:
        removeCellComment in interface Cell
      • getHyperlink

        public XSSFHyperlink getHyperlink()
        Returns hyperlink associated with this cell
        Specified by:
        getHyperlink in interface Cell
        hyperlink associated with this cell or null if not found
      • setHyperlink

        public void setHyperlink​(Hyperlink hyperlink)
        Assign a hyperlink to this cell. If the supplied hyperlink is null, the hyperlink for this cell will be removed.
        Specified by:
        setHyperlink in interface Cell
        hyperlink - the hyperlink to associate with this cell
      • removeHyperlink

        public void removeHyperlink()
        Removes the hyperlink for this cell, if there is one.
        Specified by:
        removeHyperlink in interface Cell
      • getCTCell

        public CTCell getCTCell()
        Returns the xml bean containing information about the cell's location (reference), value, data type, formatting, and formula
        the xml bean containing information about this cell
      • setCTCell

        public void setCTCell​(CTCell cell)
        Set a new internal xml bean. This is only for internal use, do not call this from outside! This is necessary in some rare cases to work around XMLBeans specialties.
      • getArrayFormulaRange

        public CellRangeAddress getArrayFormulaRange()
        Description copied from interface: Cell
        Only valid for array formula cells
        Specified by:
        getArrayFormulaRange in interface Cell
        range of the array formula group that the cell belongs to.
      • isPartOfArrayFormulaGroup

        public boolean isPartOfArrayFormulaGroup()
        Specified by:
        isPartOfArrayFormulaGroup in interface Cell
        true if this cell is part of group of cells having a common array formula.
      • updateCellReferencesForShifting

        public void updateCellReferencesForShifting​(String msg)