Interface ReplicationStatusProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getBatchReplicationStatus

        Map<String,​ReplicationStatus> getBatchReplicationStatus​(@Nonnull
                                                                      Resource... resources)
        Returns a batch replication status for a number of resources, in the form of a map whose keys are paths and values are related replication statuses. This method is expected to be used with a bunch of resources, when needing retrieval of replication status for a single resource please use #getReplicationStatus(Resource).
        resources - the resource to obtain the statuses for
        the batch replication status as a map of path to status
      • getReplicationStatus

        ReplicationStatus getReplicationStatus​(@Nonnull
                                               Resource resource)
        Returns a replication status for the given resource
        resource - the resource to obtain the status for
        the replication status or null if not available.