Class JsonGeneratorImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonGeneratorImpl

        public JsonGeneratorImpl​(IOContext ctxt,
                                 int features,
                                 ObjectCodec codec)
    • Method Detail

      • version

        public Version version()
        Description copied from class: GeneratorBase
        Implemented with standard version number detection algorithm, typically using a simple generated class, with information extracted from Maven project file during build.
        Specified by:
        version in interface Versioned
        version in class GeneratorBase
        Version number of the generator (version of the jar that contains generator implementation class)
      • setHighestNonEscapedChar

        public JsonGenerator setHighestNonEscapedChar​(int charCode)
        Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
        Method that can be called to request that generator escapes all character codes above specified code point (if positive value); or, to not escape any characters except for ones that must be escaped for the data format (if -1). To force escaping of all non-ASCII characters, for example, this method would be called with value of 127.

        Note that generators are NOT required to support setting of value higher than 127, because there are other ways to affect quoting (or lack thereof) of character codes between 0 and 127. Not all generators support concept of escaping, either; if so, calling this method will have no effect.

        Default implementation does nothing; sub-classes need to redefine it according to rules of supported data format.

        setHighestNonEscapedChar in class JsonGenerator
        charCode - Either -1 to indicate that no additional escaping is to be done; or highest code point not to escape (meaning higher ones will be), if positive value.
        This generator, to allow call chaining
      • getHighestEscapedChar

        public int getHighestEscapedChar()
        Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
        Accessor method for testing what is the highest unescaped character configured for this generator. This may be either positive value (when escaping configuration has been set and is in effect), or 0 to indicate that no additional escaping is in effect. Some generators may not support additional escaping: for example, generators for binary formats that do not use escaping should simply return 0.
        getHighestEscapedChar in class JsonGenerator
        Currently active limitation for highest non-escaped character, if defined; or 0 to indicate no additional escaping is performed.