Class SlideListWithText

  • public final class SlideListWithText
    extends RecordContainer
    These are tricky beasts. They contain the text of potentially many (normal) slides. They are made up of several sets of - SlidePersistAtom - TextHeaderAtom - TextBytesAtom / TextCharsAtom - StyleTextPropAtom (optional) - TextSpecInfoAtom (optional) - InteractiveInfo (optional) - TxInteractiveInfoAtom (optional) and then the next SlidePersistAtom. Eventually, Slides will find the blocks that interest them from all the SlideListWithText entries, and refere to them For now, we scan through looking for interesting bits, then creating the helpful Sheet from model for them
    • Field Detail

      • SLIDES

        public static final int SLIDES
        Instance filed of the record header indicates that this SlideListWithText stores references to slides
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MASTER

        public static final int MASTER
        Instance filed of the record header indicates that this SlideListWithText stores references to master slides
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NOTES

        public static final int NOTES
        Instance filed of the record header indicates that this SlideListWithText stores references to notes
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SlideListWithText

        public SlideListWithText()
        Create a new, empty, SlideListWithText
    • Method Detail

      • addSlidePersistAtom

        public void addSlidePersistAtom​(SlidePersistAtom spa)
        Add a new SlidePersistAtom, to the end of the current list, and update the internal list of SlidePersistAtoms
        spa -
      • getInstance

        public int getInstance()
      • setInstance

        public void setInstance​(int inst)
      • setSlideAtomsSets

        public void setSlideAtomsSets​(SlideListWithText.SlideAtomsSet[] sas)
        Get access to the SlideAtomsSets of the children of this record
      • getRecordType

        public long getRecordType()
        Return the value we were given at creation
        Specified by:
        getRecordType in class Record