Interface RichTextString

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    HSSFRichTextString, XSSFRichTextString

    public interface RichTextString
    Rich text unicode string. These strings can have fonts applied to arbitary parts of the string.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void applyFont​(int startIndex, int endIndex, short fontIndex)
      Applies a font to the specified characters of a string.
      void applyFont​(int startIndex, int endIndex, Font font)
      Applies a font to the specified characters of a string.
      void applyFont​(short fontIndex)
      Applies the specified font to the entire string.
      void applyFont​(Font font)
      Sets the font of the entire string.
      void clearFormatting()
      Removes any formatting that may have been applied to the string.
      int getIndexOfFormattingRun​(int index)
      The index within the string to which the specified formatting run applies.
      String getString()
      Returns the plain string representation.
      int length()  
      int numFormattingRuns()  
    • Method Detail

      • applyFont

        void applyFont​(int startIndex,
                       int endIndex,
                       short fontIndex)
        Applies a font to the specified characters of a string.
        startIndex - The start index to apply the font to (inclusive)
        endIndex - The end index to apply the font to (exclusive)
        fontIndex - The font to use.
      • applyFont

        void applyFont​(int startIndex,
                       int endIndex,
                       Font font)
        Applies a font to the specified characters of a string.
        startIndex - The start index to apply the font to (inclusive)
        endIndex - The end index to apply to font to (exclusive)
        font - The index of the font to use.
      • applyFont

        void applyFont​(Font font)
        Sets the font of the entire string.
        font - The font to use.
      • clearFormatting

        void clearFormatting()
        Removes any formatting that may have been applied to the string.
      • getString

        String getString()
        Returns the plain string representation.
      • length

        int length()
        the number of characters in the font.
      • numFormattingRuns

        int numFormattingRuns()
        The number of formatting runs used.
      • getIndexOfFormattingRun

        int getIndexOfFormattingRun​(int index)
        The index within the string to which the specified formatting run applies.
        index - the index of the formatting run
        the index within the string.
      • applyFont

        void applyFont​(short fontIndex)
        Applies the specified font to the entire string.
        fontIndex - the font to apply.