Class DownloadException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DownloadException
    extends Exception
    High-level exception type for indicating that something went wrong during the process of generating a download. Implementers are encouraged to inherit from this exception to create more specific types of exceptions for indicating when there are issues with the process.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DownloadException

        public DownloadException()
        Initializes a new exception instance that will have a null message and cause.
      • DownloadException

        public DownloadException​(String message)
        Initializes a new exception instance that will have a specified message and a null cause.
        message - The detail message that can be retrieved with getMessage()
      • DownloadException

        public DownloadException​(String message,
                                 Throwable cause)
        Initializes a new exception instance that will have a specified message and cause.
        message - The detail message that can be retrieved with getMessage()
        cause - The underlying cause of the exception, which can be retrieved with getCause().
      • DownloadException

        public DownloadException​(String message,
                                 Throwable cause,
                                 boolean enableSuppression,
                                 boolean writableStackTrace)
        Initializes a new exception instance that will have a specified message, cause, and configuration.
        message - The detail message that can be retrieved with getMessage()
        cause - The underlying cause of the exception, which can be retrieved with getCause().
        enableSuppression - Whether or not suppression is enabled or disabled.
        writableStackTrace - Whether or not the stack trace should be writable.