Class LaunchResourceStatus

  • public final class LaunchResourceStatus
    extends Object
    Launch status compared to production.
    • Method Detail

      • getResourcePath

        public String getResourcePath()
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
      • getLaunchModificationDate

        public Date getLaunchModificationDate()
      • getProductionModificationDate

        public Date getProductionModificationDate()
      • getLaunchUserId

        public String getLaunchUserId()
      • getProductionUserId

        public String getProductionUserId()
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object o)
        Overridden to alter the preconditions when two launch statuses are considered equal.
        equals in class Object
        o - object to compare this object against
        true if this object is considered equal to the other object, otherwise false