Interface AssetDelivery

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface AssetDelivery
    Implementations of this service interface declare themselves capable of handling asset delivery, primarily by accepting a Resource and an optional Map of desired transformations to be applied while delivering it.
    Implementations must provide a getDeliveryURL(, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>) method for this purpose, which should return a URL if it can handle the asset and its requested transforms, or null otherwise.
    Multiple implementations of this service may exist at any given time, potentially with different service rankings; consumers of this service may choose to handle them as they deem fit.
    • Method Detail

      • getDeliveryURL

        String getDeliveryURL​(@Nonnull
                              Resource resource,
                              Map<String,​Object> parameterMap)
        This method returns the url to retrieve a specific asset with provided collection of Parameters.
        resource - Resource for which delivery URL is needed
        parameterMap - Collection of parameters that are required to fetch the url such as width, height quality etc.
        delivery url from which asset can be retrieved, null if delivery url cannot be generated.