Interface Replicator

  • @ProviderType
    public interface Replicator
    The Replicator is the replication service. It can be used to replicate content.
    • Method Detail

      • replicate

        void replicate​(Session session,
                       ReplicationActionType type,
                       String[] paths,
                       ReplicationOptions options)
                throws ReplicationException
        Triggers a new replication with supplied options.
        session - user session
        type - The type of replication
        paths - The paths specified the content to be replicated; it is recommended to consider 100 paths as maximum.
        Up to that limit the system guarantees that the paths are replicated in a transactional manner. If this number is exceeded, the system is free to split up the provided paths into multiple chunks and replicate each chunk on its own; in that case all the paths are replicated in a non-transactional path. The system will write log statements in this case.
        options - Additional replication options
        ReplicationException - if an error occurs
      • replicate

        void replicate​(Session session,
                       ReplicationActionType type,
                       Location[] locations,
                       ReplicationOptions options)
                throws ReplicationException
        Triggers a new replication for multiple repository paths and with supplied options.
        session - user session
        type - The type of replication
        locations - The location objects containing the paths and revisions for content to be replicated; it is recommended to consider 100 locations as maximum.
        Up to that limit the system guarantees that the paths are replicated in a transactional manner. If this number is exceeded, the system is free to split up the provided paths into multiple chunks and replicate each chunk on its own; in that case all the paths are replicated in a non-transactional path. The system will write log statements in this case. The revision in Location.revision has priority over the ReplicationOption.revision. If the first is not defined, we default to the latest.
        options - Additional replication options
        ReplicationException - if an error occurs
      • checkPermission

        void checkPermission​(Session session,
                             ReplicationActionType type,
                             String path)
                      throws ReplicationException
        Checks if a user session has enough permissions for a provided replication type and path
        session - user session
        type - The type of replication
        path - The path specified the content to be replicated
        ReplicationException - if an error occurs
      • getReplicationStatus

        ReplicationStatus getReplicationStatus​(Session session,
                                               String path)
        Returns a replication status for the given path.
        session - session
        path - path to check
        the replication status or null if not available.
      • getActivatedPaths

        Iterator<String> getActivatedPaths​(Session session,
                                           String path)
                                    throws ReplicationException
        Returns the paths of all nodes for the given subtree path which are activated.
        session - User session
        path - Path to check
        Subtree paths for activated nodes
        ReplicationException - If error occurs on retrieving node and its descendants