Class CopyDirectoryVisitor

    • Constructor Detail

      • CopyDirectoryVisitor

        public CopyDirectoryVisitor​(Counters.PathCounters pathCounter,
                                    Path sourceDirectory,
                                    Path targetDirectory,
                                    CopyOption... copyOptions)
        Constructs a new visitor that deletes files except for the files and directories explicitly given.
        pathCounter - How to count visits.
        sourceDirectory - The source directory
        targetDirectory - The target directory
        copyOptions - Specifies how the copying should be done.
      • CopyDirectoryVisitor

        public CopyDirectoryVisitor​(Counters.PathCounters pathCounter,
                                    PathFilter fileFilter,
                                    PathFilter dirFilter,
                                    Path sourceDirectory,
                                    Path targetDirectory,
                                    CopyOption... copyOptions)
        Constructs a new visitor that deletes files except for the files and directories explicitly given.
        pathCounter - How to count visits.
        fileFilter - How to filter file paths.
        dirFilter - How to filter directory paths.
        sourceDirectory - The source directory
        targetDirectory - The target directory
        copyOptions - Specifies how the copying should be done.