Interface RecommendationAlgorithmConfiguration

  • @ProviderType
    public interface RecommendationAlgorithmConfiguration
    Abstracts a Target Recommendation configuration information
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigurationKey

        String getConfigurationKey()
        Target Recommendation Algorithm configuration key (e.g. 'currentCategory')
        a String representation of the configuration key
      • getConfigurationType

        String getConfigurationType()
        Algorithm type for the selected configuration key.
        a String representation of the algorithm type
      • getConfigurationDataSource

        String getConfigurationDataSource()
        Data source for the selected algorithm. When not specified it is usually considered an MBox data source
        a String representation of algorithm data source
      • getConfigurationAttribute

        String getConfigurationAttribute()
        Extra configuration attribute for the algorithm
        the String representing the configuration attribute
      • getDayCount

        DayCountInterval getDayCount()
        Interval to be taken into account by the algorithm.
        a DayCountInterval enum value containing the time interval
      • getPriceRangeMin

        double getPriceRangeMin()
        Price range minimum value for products to be considered by this algorithm
        the minimum price range value
      • getPriceRangeMax

        double getPriceRangeMax()
        Price range maximum value for products to be considered by this algorithm
        the maximum price range value
      • getProductConfidence

        String getProductConfidence()
        Product confidence configuration for 'fullDataOptimizing' type algorithms. No effect for other algorithm types.
        the product confidence configuration string
      • getMinInventory

        int getMinInventory()
        Minimum inventory value for this algorithm Needs to be non-negative to be taken into account.
        the minimum inventory value
      • getInclusionRules

        List<RecommendationAlgorithmInclusionRule> getInclusionRules()
        The inclusion rules for this algorithm.
        a List containing RecommendationAlgorithmInclusionRule inclusion rules