Class PDFCosParseException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PDFCosParseException
    extends PDFInvalidDocumentException
    This exception indicates a low level parsing problem at the Cos level has occurred. This should never be exposed to client level API. Only the Cos layer and any method which takes a Cos object should throw this. Other methods should wrap it as appropriate - often with PDFInvalidDocumentException.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PDFCosParseException

        public PDFCosParseException​(String message)
        Create a new PDFCosParseException.
        message - the detail message.
      • PDFCosParseException

        public PDFCosParseException​(String message,
                                    Throwable cause)
        Create a new PDFCosParseException wrapping an existing exception.
        message - the detail message.
        cause - the cause.
      • PDFCosParseException

        public PDFCosParseException​(Throwable cause)
        Create a new PDFCosParseException wrapping an existing exception.
        cause - the cause.