Package com.adobe.xfa

Class IDValueMap

  • public final class IDValueMap
    extends Object
    While this was once a map used to uniquify IDs and ID references when importing template fragments, we now use a much simpler strategy: for each fragment reference, generate a unique prefix (stored here), and prepend all IDs and ID references in the fragment with the unique prefix. Note: since this class maintains the state of the associated model (once installOnModel() has been called), it is only intended to be used as a stack variable. Any other order of destruction could mess up the state of the model's IDValueMap pointer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IDValueMap

        public IDValueMap()
    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        public void destroy()
      • installOnModel

        public void installOnModel​(Model poModelImpl)
      • getPrefix

        public String getPrefix()
      • getReferenceList

        public List<String> getReferenceList()
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive()
      • verifySelfContained

        public boolean verifySelfContained​(String sHRefExpression,
                                           String sNodeContainingHRef,
                                           Node srcNode)
        Logs a warning if the IDs in this list are not self-contained; meaning there is a "use" reference for which no matching "id" attribute has been seen in the given fragment tree.