Package com.adobe.xfa

Class ScriptDynamicPropObj

  • public abstract class ScriptDynamicPropObj
    extends Object
    This class stores the definition of the methods used to set/get dynamic properties for the XFA scripting interface.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptDynamicPropObj

        public ScriptDynamicPropObj​(int nXFAVersion,
                                    int nAvailability)
    • Method Detail

      • invokeGetProp

        public abstract boolean invokeGetProp​(Obj scriptThis,
                                              Arg retValue,
                                              String sPropertyName)
      • invokeSetProp

        public boolean invokeSetProp​(Obj scriptThis,
                                     Arg propertyValue,
                                     String sPropertyName)
      • invokePermsFunc

        public final boolean invokePermsFunc​(Obj scriptThis)
      • hasGetter

        public boolean hasGetter()
        Determines whether getting this property is supported.

        Since all dynamic properties currently support getting, this returns true. If the unusual case where a write-only property is implemented, this would have to be overridden to return false.

        true if getting this property is supported.
      • hasSetter

        public boolean hasSetter()
        Determines whether setting this property is supported.

        Since most dynamic properties don't support set operations, this returns false by default. If a derived class implements a settable property, it must override this method to return true.

        true if setting this property is supported.
      • getXFAVersion

        public final int getXFAVersion()
      • getAvailability

        public final int getAvailability()