Interface WorkflowService

  • public interface WorkflowService
    The WorkflowService is the main entry point for accessing the workflow engine. It defines life cycle methods for the workflow engine (eg to start()/stop() it).

    It also provides functionality for getting a WorkflowSession per user based on the users JCR session and according credentials. Instances of the WorkflowSession interface are used for all workflow operations like deploying a new WorkflowModel or starting a new Workflow instance.

    • Method Detail

      • start

        void start()
            throws WorkflowException
        The start method will initialize and start the WorkflowService properly.
        WorkflowException - Thrown in case that the initialization procedure fails.
      • stop

        void stop()
        This methods will shutdown the WorkflowService properly. All active workflows will be suspended and all running processes will be terminated.
      • getWorkflowSession

        WorkflowSession getWorkflowSession​(Session session)
        Creates a new WorkflowSession based on the given JCR session. The credentials of the JCR session define what the user can access and which operations he is allowed to do.
        session - The users JCR session to be used for initializing the WorkflowSession.
        A new instance of the WorkflowSession based on the given JCR session.
      • getConfig

        Dictionary<String,​Object> getConfig()
        Allows users of the WorkflowService to retrieve settings and parameters related to the WorkflowService implementation. In common these are provided by the environment (eg. a OSGi compliant container or a servlet engine.
        Returns the map of configuration parameters for the WorkflowService.