Package javax.mail

Class Quota

  • public class Quota
    extends Object
    This class represents a set of quotas for a given quota root. Each quota root has a set of resources, represented by the Quota.Resource class. Each resource has a name (for example, "STORAGE"), a current usage, and a usage limit. See RFC 2087.
    JavaMail 1.4
    • Field Detail

      • quotaRoot

        public String quotaRoot
        The name of the quota root.
      • resources

        public Quota.Resource[] resources
        The set of resources associated with this quota root.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Quota

        public Quota​(String quotaRoot)
        Create a Quota object for the named quotaroot with no associated resources.
        quotaRoot - the name of the quota root
    • Method Detail

      • setResourceLimit

        public void setResourceLimit​(String name,
                                     long limit)
        Set a resource limit for this quota root.
        name - the name of the resource
        limit - the resource limit