Class FolderEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FolderEvent
    extends MailEvent
    This class models Folder existence events. FolderEvents are delivered to FolderListeners registered on the affected Folder as well as the containing Store.

    Service providers vary widely in their ability to notify clients of these events. At a minimum, service providers must notify listeners registered on the same Store or Folder object on which the operation occurs. Service providers may also notify listeners when changes are made through operations on other objects in the same virtual machine, or by other clients in the same or other hosts. Such notifications are not required and are typically not supported by mail protocols (including IMAP).

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderEvent

        public FolderEvent​(Object source,
                           Folder folder,
                           int type)

        source - The source of the event
        folder - The affected folder
        type - The event type
      • FolderEvent

        public FolderEvent​(Object source,
                           Folder oldFolder,
                           Folder newFolder,
                           int type)
        Constructor. Use for RENAMED events.
        source - The source of the event
        oldFolder - The folder that is renamed
        newFolder - The folder that represents the new name
        type - The event type
        JavaMail 1.1
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public int getType()
        Return the type of this event.
      • getFolder

        public Folder getFolder()
        Return the affected folder.
        the affected folder
        See Also:
      • getNewFolder

        public Folder getNewFolder()
        If this event indicates that a folder is renamed, (i.e, the event type is RENAMED), then this method returns the Folder object representing the new name.

        The getFolder() method returns the folder that is renamed.

        Folder representing the new name.
        JavaMail 1.1
        See Also:
      • dispatch

        public void dispatch​(Object listener)
        Invokes the appropriate FolderListener method
        Specified by:
        dispatch in class MailEvent
        listener - the listener to invoke on