Class InternalRecursiveBundleTracker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InternalRecursiveBundleTracker
    extends BundleTracker
    A BundleTracker which will track bundles in the given context, and also bundles in any child contexts. This should be used instead of the normal non-recursive BundleTracker when registering bundle tracker customizers.
    • Method Detail

      • addingBundle

        public Object addingBundle​(Bundle b,
                                   BundleEvent event)
        Description copied from class: BundleTracker
        Default implementation of the BundleTrackerCustomizer.addingBundle method.

        This method is only called when this BundleTracker has been constructed with a null BundleTrackerCustomizer argument.

        This implementation simply returns the specified Bundle.

        This method can be overridden in a subclass to customize the object to be tracked for the bundle being added.

        Specified by:
        addingBundle in interface BundleTrackerCustomizer
        addingBundle in class BundleTracker
        b - The Bundle being added to this BundleTracker object.
        event - The bundle event which caused this customizer method to be called or null if there is no bundle event associated with the call to this method.
        The specified bundle.
        See Also:
        BundleTrackerCustomizer.addingBundle(Bundle, BundleEvent)