Class CaseUtils

  • public class CaseUtils
    extends Object

    Case manipulation operations on Strings that contain words.

    This class tries to handle null input gracefully. An exception will not be thrown for a null input. Each method documents its behavior in more detail.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CaseUtils

        public CaseUtils()

        CaseUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming. Instead, the class should be used as CaseUtils.toCamelCase("foo bar", true, new char[]{'-'});.

        This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.

    • Method Detail

      • toCamelCase

        public static String toCamelCase​(String str,
                                         boolean capitalizeFirstLetter,
                                         char... delimiters)

        Converts all the delimiter separated words in a String into camelCase, that is each word is made up of a title case character and then a series of lowercase characters.

        The delimiters represent a set of characters understood to separate words. The first non-delimiter character after a delimiter will be capitalized. The first String character may or may not be capitalized and it's determined by the user input for capitalizeFirstLetter variable.

        A null input String returns null. Capitalization uses the Unicode title case, normally equivalent to upper case and cannot perform locale-sensitive mappings.

         CaseUtils.toCamelCase(null, false)                                 = null
         CaseUtils.toCamelCase("", false, *)                                = ""
         CaseUtils.toCamelCase(*, false, null)                              = *
         CaseUtils.toCamelCase(*, true, new char[0])                        = *
         CaseUtils.toCamelCase("To.Camel.Case", false, new char[]{'.'})     = "toCamelCase"
         CaseUtils.toCamelCase(" to @ Camel case", true, new char[]{'@'})   = "ToCamelCase"
         CaseUtils.toCamelCase(" @to @ Camel case", false, new char[]{'@'}) = "toCamelCase"
        str - the String to be converted to camelCase, may be null
        capitalizeFirstLetter - boolean that determines if the first character of first word should be title case.
        delimiters - set of characters to determine capitalization, null and/or empty array means whitespace
        camelCase of String, null if null String input