Class Attachment

  • public final class Attachment
    extends Object
    An attachment within a HMEFMessage. Provides both helper methods to get at common parts and attributes of the attachment, and list methods to get all of them.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Attachment

        public Attachment()
    • Method Detail

      • getAttribute

        public TNEFAttribute getAttribute​(TNEFProperty id)
        Return the attachment attribute with the given ID, or null if there isn't one.
      • getMAPIAttribute

        public MAPIAttribute getMAPIAttribute​(MAPIProperty id)
        Return the attachment MAPI Attribute with the given ID, or null if there isn't one.
      • getAttributes

        public List<TNEFAttribute> getAttributes()
        Returns all HMEF/TNEF attributes of the attachment, such as filename, icon and contents
      • getMAPIAttributes

        public List<MAPIAttribute> getMAPIAttributes()
        Returns all MAPI attributes of the attachment, such as extension, encoding, size and position
      • getFilename

        public String getFilename()
        Returns the short filename
      • getLongFilename

        public String getLongFilename()
        Returns the long filename
      • getExtension

        public String getExtension()
        Returns the file extension
      • getModifiedDate

        public Date getModifiedDate()
        Return when the file was last modified, if known.
      • getContents

        public byte[] getContents()
        Returns the contents of the attachment.
        IllegalArgumentException - if there is no AttachmentData available in this Attachment
      • getRenderedMetaFile

        public byte[] getRenderedMetaFile()
        Returns the Meta File rendered representation of the attachment, or null if not set.