Class DrawTableShape

    • Constructor Detail

      • DrawTableShape

        public DrawTableShape​(TableShape<?,​?> shape)
    • Method Detail

      • applyTransform

        public void applyTransform​(Graphics2D graphics)
        Description copied from class: DrawShape
        Apply 2-D transforms before drawing this shape. This includes rotation and flipping.
        Specified by:
        applyTransform in interface Drawable
        applyTransform in class DrawShape
        graphics - the graphics whos transform matrix will be modified
      • draw

        public void draw​(Graphics2D graphics)
        Description copied from interface: Drawable
        Draw this shape into the supplied canvas
        Specified by:
        draw in interface Drawable
        draw in class DrawShape
        graphics - the graphics to draw into
      • drawContent

        public void drawContent​(Graphics2D graphics)
        Description copied from interface: Drawable
        draw any content within this shape (image, text, etc.).
        Specified by:
        drawContent in interface Drawable
        drawContent in class DrawShape
        graphics - the graphics to draw into
      • setAllBorders

        public void setAllBorders​(Object... args)
        Format the table and apply the specified Line to all cell boundaries, both outside and inside. An empty args parameter removes the affected border.
        args - a varargs array possible containing Double (width), StrokeStyle.LineCompound, Color, StrokeStyle.LineDash
      • setOutsideBorders

        public void setOutsideBorders​(Object... args)
        Format the outside border using the specified Line object An empty args parameter removes the affected border.
        args - a varargs array possible containing Double (width), StrokeStyle.LineCompound, Color, StrokeStyle.LineDash