Interface SheetConditionalFormatting

    • Method Detail

      • addConditionalFormatting

        int addConditionalFormatting​(CellRangeAddress[] regions,
                                     ConditionalFormattingRule rule)
        Add a new Conditional Formatting to the sheet.
        regions - - list of rectangular regions to apply conditional formatting rules
        rule - - the rule to apply
        index of the newly created Conditional Formatting object
      • addConditionalFormatting

        int addConditionalFormatting​(CellRangeAddress[] regions,
                                     ConditionalFormattingRule rule1,
                                     ConditionalFormattingRule rule2)
        Add a new Conditional Formatting consisting of two rules.
        regions - - list of rectangular regions to apply conditional formatting rules
        rule1 - - the first rule
        rule2 - - the second rule
        index of the newly created Conditional Formatting object
      • addConditionalFormatting

        int addConditionalFormatting​(CellRangeAddress[] regions,
                                     ConditionalFormattingRule[] cfRules)
        Add a new Conditional Formatting set to the sheet.
        regions - - list of rectangular regions to apply conditional formatting rules
        cfRules - - set of up to conditional formatting rules (max 3 for Excel pre-2007)
        index of the newly created Conditional Formatting object
      • addConditionalFormatting

        int addConditionalFormatting​(ConditionalFormatting cf)
        Adds a copy of a ConditionalFormatting object to the sheet

        This method could be used to copy ConditionalFormatting object from one sheet to another. For example:

         ConditionalFormatting cf = sheet.getConditionalFormattingAt(index);
        cf - the Conditional Formatting to clone
        index of the new Conditional Formatting object
      • createConditionalFormattingRule

        ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule​(byte comparisonOperation,
                                                                  String formula1,
                                                                  String formula2)
        A factory method allowing to create a conditional formatting rule with a cell comparison operator

        The created conditional formatting rule compares a cell value to a formula calculated result, using the specified operator. The type of the created condition is ConditionType.CELL_VALUE_IS

        comparisonOperation - - MUST be a constant value from ComparisonOperator:

        • BETWEEN
        • NOT_BETWEEN
        • EQUAL
        • NOT_EQUAL
        • GT
        • LT
        • GE
        • LE

        formula1 - - formula for the valued, compared with the cell
        formula2 - - second formula (only used with ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN) and ComparisonOperator.NOT_BETWEEN operations)
      • createConditionalFormattingRule

        ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule​(byte comparisonOperation,
                                                                  String formula)
        Create a conditional formatting rule that compares a cell value to a formula calculated result, using an operator *

        The type of the created condition is ConditionType.CELL_VALUE_IS

        comparisonOperation - MUST be a constant value from ComparisonOperator except BETWEEN and NOT_BETWEEN
        formula - the formula to determine if the conditional formatting is applied
      • createConditionalFormattingRule

        ConditionalFormattingRule createConditionalFormattingRule​(String formula)
        Create a conditional formatting rule based on a Boolean formula. When the formula result is true, the cell is highlighted.

        The type of the created format condition is ConditionType.FORMULA

        formula - the formula to evaluate. MUST be a Boolean function.
      • getConditionalFormattingAt

        ConditionalFormatting getConditionalFormattingAt​(int index)
        Gets Conditional Formatting object at a particular index
        index - 0-based index of the Conditional Formatting object to fetch
        Conditional Formatting object or null if not found
        IllegalArgumentException - if the index is outside of the allowable range (0 ... numberOfFormats-1)
      • getNumConditionalFormattings

        int getNumConditionalFormattings()
        the number of conditional formats in this sheet
      • removeConditionalFormatting

        void removeConditionalFormatting​(int index)
        Removes a Conditional Formatting object by index
        index - 0-based index of the Conditional Formatting object to remove
        IllegalArgumentException - if the index is outside of the allowable range (0 ... numberOfFormats-1)