Class ResourceResolverWrapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, Adaptable, ResourceResolver

    public class ResourceResolverWrapper
    extends Object
    implements ResourceResolver
    The ResourceResolverWrapper is a wrapper for any ResourceResolver, delegating all method calls to the wrapped resource resolver by default. Extensions of this class may overwrite any method to return different values as appropriate.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceResolverWrapper

        public ResourceResolverWrapper​(ResourceResolver resolver)
        Creates a new wrapper instance, delegating all calls to the given resolver.
        resolver - the wrapped resource resolver
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        public @NotNull Resource resolve​(@NotNull
                                         @NotNull HttpServletRequest request,
                                         @NotNull String absPath)
        Wraps and returns the Resource obtained by calling resolve on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface ResourceResolver
        request - The http servlet request object providing more hints at how to resolve the absPath. This parameter may be null in which case the implementation should use reasonable defaults.
        absPath - The absolute path to be resolved to a resource. If this parameter is null, it is assumed to address the root of the resource tree. If the path is relative it is assumed relative to the root, that is a slash is prepended to the path before resolving it.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
        See Also:
        Mappings for Resource Resolution
      • resolve

        public @NotNull Resource resolve​(@NotNull
                                         @NotNull String absPath)
        Wraps and returns the Resource obtained by calling resolve on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface ResourceResolver
        absPath - The absolute path to be resolved to a resource. If this parameter is null, it is assumed to address the root of the resource tree. If the path is relative it is assumed relative to the root, that is a slash is prepended to the path before resolving it.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
        See Also:
        Mappings for Resource Resolution
      • resolve

        public @NotNull Resource resolve​(@NotNull
                                         @NotNull HttpServletRequest request)
        Wraps and returns the Resource obtained by calling resolve on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        resolve in interface ResourceResolver
        request - The http servlet request object used to resolve the resource for. This must not be null.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
        See Also:
        Mappings for Resource Resolution
      • getResource

        public Resource getResource​(@NotNull
                                    @NotNull String path)
        Wraps and returns the Resource obtained by calling getResource on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        getResource in interface ResourceResolver
        path - The absolute path to the resource object to be loaded. The path may contain relative path specifiers like . (current location) and .. (parent location), which are resolved by this method. If the path is relative, that is the first character is not a slash, implementations are expected to apply a search path algorithm to resolve the relative path to a resource.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
      • getResource

        public Resource getResource​(Resource base,
                                    @NotNull String path)
        Wraps and returns the Resource obtained by calling getResource on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        getResource in interface ResourceResolver
        base - The base Resource against which a relative path argument given by path is resolved. This parameter may be null if the path is known to be absolute.
        path - The path to the resource object to be loaded. If the path is relative, i.e. does not start with a slash (/), the resource relative to the given base resource is returned. The path may contain relative path specifiers like . (current location) and .. (parent location), which are resolved by this method.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
      • getSearchPath

        public @NotNull String[] getSearchPath()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Returns the search path used by the ResourceResolver.getResource(String) method to search for resources by relative path. If no search path is set an empty array is returned.

        The returned array of strings is a copy of the internal value, so modifications to this array have no influence on the operation of the ResourceResolver.

        The search path of a resource resolver never changes during the lifetime of the resource resolver. Therefore clients may call this method once and use the stored value together with this resource resolver.

        Each entry in the array is an absolute path terminated with a slash character. Thus to create an absolute path from a search path entry and a relative path, the search path entry and relative path may just be concatenated.

        Specified by:
        getSearchPath in interface ResourceResolver
        The array of search paths
      • listChildren

        public @NotNull Iterator<Resource> listChildren​(@NotNull
                                                        @NotNull Resource parent)
        Wraps and returns the Iterator obtained by calling listChildren on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        listChildren in interface ResourceResolver
        parent - The Resource whose children are requested.
        a wrapped iterator obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
      • getParent

        public Resource getParent​(@NotNull
                                  @NotNull Resource child)
        Wraps and returns the Resource obtained by calling getParent on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        getParent in interface ResourceResolver
        child - The Resource whose parent is requested.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
      • getChildren

        public @NotNull Iterable<Resource> getChildren​(@NotNull
                                                       @NotNull Resource parent)
        Wraps and returns the Iterable obtained by calling getChildren on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface ResourceResolver
        parent - The Resource whose children are requested.
        a wrapped iterable obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
      • findResources

        public @NotNull Iterator<Resource> findResources​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull String query,
                                                         String language)
        Wraps and returns the Iterator obtained by calling findResources on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        findResources in interface ResourceResolver
        query - The query string to use to find the resources.
        language - The language in which the query is formulated. The language should always be specified. However for compatibility with older version, if no language is specified, "xpath" is used.
        a wrapped iterator obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
      • queryResources

        public @NotNull Iterator<Map<String,​Object>> queryResources​(@NotNull
                                                                          @NotNull String query,
                                                                          String language)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Queries the storage using the given query formulated in the given language.

        The semantic meaning of the query and language depend on the actual implementation and storage used for the resources. For JCR repository being used as storage, the query and language parameters are used to create a JCR Query through the QueryManager. The result returned is then based on the RowIterator provided by the query result. The map returned for each row is indexed by the column name and the column value is the JCR Value object converted into the respective Java object, such as Boolean for a value of property type Boolean.

        Specified by:
        queryResources in interface ResourceResolver
        query - The query string to use to find the resources.
        language - The language in which the query is formulated. The language should always be specified. However for compatibility with older version, if no language is specified, "xpath" is used.
        An Iterator of Map instances providing access to the query result.
      • hasChildren

        public boolean hasChildren​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull Resource resource)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Checks if the specified resource has any direct child resources.
        Specified by:
        hasChildren in interface ResourceResolver
        resource - the resource to check for direct children
        true if the resource has any child resources
      • clone

        public @NotNull ResourceResolver clone​(Map<String,​Object> authenticationInfo)
                                        throws LoginException
        Wraps and returns the ResourceResolver obtained by calling clone on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface ResourceResolver
        authenticationInfo - The map or credential data to overlay the original credential data with for the creation of a new resource resolver. This may be null in which case the same credential data is used as was used to create this instance.
        a wrapped resource resolver
        LoginException - If an error occurs creating the new ResourceResolver with the provided credential data.
      • isLive

        public boolean isLive()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Returns true if this resource resolver is still usable. This method tests different things like if it has not been closed yet or if any of the used resource providers is not usable anymore.

        Unlike the other methods defined in this interface, this method will never throw an exception even after the resource resolver has been closed.

        Specified by:
        isLive in interface ResourceResolver
        true if the resource resolver is still usable. Once the resource resolver has been closed or a used resource provider has been unregistered, this method returns false.
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Close this resource resolver. This method should be called by clients when the resource resolver is not used anymore. Once this method has been called, the resource resolver is considered unusable and will throw exceptions if still used - with the exception of this method, which can be called several times with no ill effects. A resolver may also be closed implicitly in case when the ResourceResolverFactory which was used to create this resolver is no longer active or any of the used resource providers is no longer active. All objects in the map maintained by ResourceResolver.getPropertyMap() implementing the Closeable interface, will be closed by calling Closeable#close() on each of them. Any exception thrown by this call will be ignored. The order in which the objects are closed is not defined.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        Specified by:
        close in interface ResourceResolver
        See Also:
        Resource Resolver (section lifecycle), ResourceResolver.getPropertyMap()
      • getUserID

        public String getUserID()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Get the user ID, if any, associated with this resource resolver. The meaning of this identifier is an implementation detail defined by the underlying repository. This method may return null.
        Specified by:
        getUserID in interface ResourceResolver
        the user ID
      • getAttribute

        public Object getAttribute​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull String name)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Returns the value of the given resource resolver attribute or null if the attribute is not set (or not visible as is the case of the ResourceResolverFactory.PASSWORD or other security sensitive attributes).
        Specified by:
        getAttribute in interface ResourceResolver
        name - The name of the attribute to access
        The value of the attribute or null if the attribute is not set or not accessible.
      • create

        public @NotNull Resource create​(@NotNull
                                        @NotNull Resource parent,
                                        @NotNull String name,
                                        Map<String,​Object> properties)
                                 throws PersistenceException
        Wraps the Resource obtained by calling create on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        create in interface ResourceResolver
        parent - The parent resource
        name - The name of the child resource - this is a plain name, not a path!
        properties - Optional properties for the resource
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
        PersistenceException - If the operation fails in the underlying resource provider, e.g. in case a resource of that name does already exist.
      • hasChanges

        public boolean hasChanges()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Are there any pending changes?
        Specified by:
        hasChanges in interface ResourceResolver
        true if there are pending changes.
      • getParentResourceType

        public String getParentResourceType​(String resourceType)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Returns the super type of the given resource type. This method converts the resource type to a resource path and checks the corresponding resource (considering the search path). If the resource exists, the Resource.getResourceSuperType() method is called.
        Specified by:
        getParentResourceType in interface ResourceResolver
        resourceType - The resource type whose super type is to be returned.
        the super type of the resourceType or null if the resource given by the resource type does not exist or if it returns null for its super type. It also returns null if resourceType is null.
      • isResourceType

        public boolean isResourceType​(Resource resource,
                                      String resourceType)
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Returns true if the resource type or any of the resource's super type(s) equals the given resource type. In case the type of the given resource or the given resource type starts with one of the resource resolver's search paths it is converted to a relative resource type by stripping off the resource resolver's search path before doing the comparison.
        Specified by:
        isResourceType in interface ResourceResolver
        resource - The resource to check
        resourceType - The resource type to check this resource against.
        true if the resource type or any of the resource's super type(s) equals the given resource type. false is also returned if resource or resourceType are null.
      • refresh

        public void refresh()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        The resolver is updated to reflect the latest state. Resources which have changes pending are not discarded.
        Specified by:
        refresh in interface ResourceResolver
      • copy

        public Resource copy​(String srcAbsPath,
                             String destAbsPath)
                      throws PersistenceException
        Wraps the Resource obtained by calling copy on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface ResourceResolver
        srcAbsPath - the path of the resource to be copied.
        destAbsPath - the location to which the resource at srcAbsPath is to be copied.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
        PersistenceException - If an error occurs.
      • move

        public Resource move​(String srcAbsPath,
                             String destAbsPath)
                      throws PersistenceException
        Wraps the Resource obtained by calling move on the wrapped resource resolver.
        Specified by:
        move in interface ResourceResolver
        srcAbsPath - the path of the resource to be moved.
        destAbsPath - the location to which the resource at srcAbsPath is to be moved.
        a wrapped resource obtained through the wrapped resource resolver
        PersistenceException - If an error occurs.
      • getPropertyMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getPropertyMap()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceResolver
        Returns a map to store temporary objects. This map is suited to store objects which share the same lifecycle as the resource resolver. The resource resolver itself does not use this map. The resource resolver will clear the map during ResourceResolver.close(), so afterwards the map is empty. If a stored value implements the Closeable interface, the ResourceResolver will invoke the close() of the value before clearing the map.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyMap in interface ResourceResolver
        the property map
        See Also:
      • adaptTo

        public <AdapterType> AdapterType adaptTo​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Class<AdapterType> type)
        Description copied from interface: Adaptable
        Adapts the adaptable to another type.

        Please note that it is explicitly left as an implementation detail whether each call to this method with the same type yields the same object or a new object on each call.

        Implementations of this method should document their adapted types as well as their behaviour with respect to returning newly created or same instances on each call.

        Specified by:
        adaptTo in interface Adaptable
        Type Parameters:
        AdapterType - The generic type to which this object is adapted to
        type - The Class object of the target type, such as javax.jcr.Node.class or
        The adapter target or null if the object cannot adapt to the requested type