Class XmlCursor.XmlBookmark

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    CDataBookmark, SchemaBookmark, XmlLineNumber
    Enclosing interface:

    public abstract static class XmlCursor.XmlBookmark
    extends Object
    Subclasses of XmlBookmark can be used to annotate an XML document. This class is abstract to prevent parties from inadvertently interfering with each others' bookmarks without explicitly sharing a bookmark class.
    • Field Detail

      • _currentMark

        public XmlCursor.XmlMark _currentMark
        The mark is set by the host document; it is capable of returning an XmlCursor implementation at the location of the bookmark.
      • _ref

        public final Reference _ref
        If non-null, the ref is used by the host document to maintain a reference to the bookmark. If it is a weak reference, the host document will not prevent the Bookmark from being garbage collected.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlBookmark

        public XmlBookmark()
        Constructs a strongly-referenced bookmark.
      • XmlBookmark

        public XmlBookmark​(boolean weak)
        Constructs a bookmark.
        weak - true if the document's reference to the bookmark should be a WeakReference
    • Method Detail

      • createCursor

        public final XmlCursor createCursor()
        Call the createCursor method to create a new cursor which is positioned at the same splace as the bookmark. It is much more efficient to call toBookmark on an existing cursor than it is to create a new cursor. However, toBookmark may fail if the bookmark is in a different document than the cursor. It is under these circumstances where createCursor needs to be called on the bookmark. Subsequent navigations to bookmark positions should attempt to reuse the last cursor to improve performace.
        the new cursor
      • toBookmark

        public final XmlCursor toBookmark​(XmlCursor c)
        c - the cursor to be moved
        the given cursor moved to this bookmark
      • getKey

        public Object getKey()
        The default key for bookmarks is the class which implements them. This way, multiple parties using bookmarks in the same instance document will not interfere with eachother. One can, however, override getKey() to use a key other than the class.
        default key for bookmarks