Interface GenericCampaignConnector

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface GenericCampaignConnector
    extends CampaignConnector
    A service that is used to access a remote Adobe Campaign instance.
    • Method Detail

      • callGeneric

        CallResults callGeneric​(String name,
                                Map<String,​String> fctParams,
                                CampaignCredentials credentials)
                         throws ACConnectorException

        Calls a remote JSSP on the campaign instance.

        Note that the caller is required to use CallResults.destroy() after processing the result of the remote function call.

        This method supports generic namespaces, hence the namespace must be included in the name of the function (parameter name).

        name - The name of the function to be called (including the namespace)
        fctParams - The parameters of the function call (name/value parameters)
        credentials - The credentials to be used for the call
        The result of the function call
        ACConnectorException - If the remote function could not be called or returned an unexpected status
      • postGeneric

        CallResults postGeneric​(String name,
                                Map<String,​String> data,
                                CampaignCredentials credentials)
                         throws ACConnectorException

        Posts data to a remote function on the campaign instance.

        Note that the caller is required to use CallResults.destroy() after processing the result of the remote function call.

        This method supports generic namespaces, hence the namespace must be included in the name of the function (parameter name).

        name - The name of the function to be called
        data - The data to post (name/value)
        credentials - The credentials to be used for the call
        The result of the function call
        ACConnectorException - If the remote function could not be called or returned an unexpected status
      • callGenericWithBasicAuth

        CallResults callGenericWithBasicAuth​(String path,
                                             String queryString,
                                             CampaignCredentials credentials)
                                      throws ACConnectorException

        Gets data from a given URL with the credentials passed as Basic Authentication headers.

        Note that the caller is required to use CallResults.destroy() after processing the result of the remote function call.

        This is (for example) the counterpart for Campaign .next's query retrieval.

        path - The (absolute) path to call
        queryString - The query string (without leading '?')
        credentials - The credentials
        The result of the function call
        ACConnectorException - If the remote function could not be called or returned an unexpected status