Class TagUtils

  • public class TagUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class for html tag handling
    • Constructor Detail

      • TagUtils

        public TagUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getStartTag

        public static String getStartTag​(String uri,
                                         String localName,
                                         String qName,
                                         Attributes atts)
        Formulates a stringified version of a start tag from the passed tag parameters. Useful for converting tag params, passed over by a SAX parser, to string.
        uri -
        localName -
        qName -
        atts -
      • getMatchingEndTag

        public static String getMatchingEndTag​(String startTag)
        Returns the end tag for a start tag. Usually, the end tag name is derived by inserting a / appropriately e.g. the end tag for <div> is </div>

        The "empty" tags like <br> return an empty string

        startTag - The name of the start tag the end tag for which is needed
        The end tag corresponding to the start tag passed or empty string if an empty html tag like <br> is passed
      • getClientLibIncludeTag

        public static String getClientLibIncludeTag​(String clientLibCategory)