Interface LuceneIndexMBean

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface LuceneIndexMBean
    • Method Detail

      • getBadPersistedIndexStats

        TabularData getBadPersistedIndexStats()
      • isFailing

        boolean isFailing()
      • getIndexedPaths

        @Description("Determines the set of index paths up to given maxLevel. This can be used to determine the value for[includedPaths]. For this to work you should have [evaluatePathRestrictions] set to true in your index definition")
        String[] getIndexedPaths​(@Description("Index path for which stats are to be determined") @Name("indexPath")
                                 String indexPath,
                                 @Name("maxLevel") @Description("Maximum depth to examine. E.g. 5. Stats calculation would break out after this limit")
                                 int maxLevel,
                                 @Description("Maximum number of unique paths to examine. E.g. 100. Stats calculation would break out after this limit") @Name("maxPathCount")
                                 int maxPathCount)
                          throws IOException
      • getFieldInfo

        @Description("Retrieves the fields, and number of documents for each field, for an index. This allows to investigate what is stored in the index.")
        String[] getFieldInfo​(@Name("indexPath") @Description("The index path (empty for all indexes)")
                              String indexPath)
                       throws IOException
      • getStoredIndexDefinition

        @Description("Returns the stored index definition for index at given path in string form")
        String getStoredIndexDefinition​(@Name("indexPath")
                                        String indexPath)
      • diffStoredIndexDefinition

        @Description("Returns the diff of index definition for index at given path from the stored index definition in string form")
        String diffStoredIndexDefinition​(@Name("indexPath")
                                         String indexPath)
      • checkConsistency

        @Description("Performs consistency check on given index")
        String checkConsistency​(@Name("indexPath")
                                String indexPath,
                                @Name("fullCheck") @Description("If set to true a full check would be performed which can be slow as it reads all index files. If set to false a quick check is performed to check if all blobs referred in index files are present in BlobStore")
                                boolean fullCheck)
                         throws IOException
      • checkAndReportConsistencyOfAllIndexes

        @Description("Performs consistency check for all Lucene indexes and reports in simple format")
        String[] checkAndReportConsistencyOfAllIndexes​(@Name("fullCheck") @Description("If set to true a full check would be performed which can be slow as it reads all index files. If set to false a quick check is performed to check if all blobs referred in index files are present in BlobStore")
                                                       boolean fullCheck)
                                                throws IOException
      • checkConsistencyOfAllIndexes

        @Description("Performs consistency check for all Lucene indexes and reports true if all indexes are found to be valid. False if any one of them was not found to be valid")
        boolean checkConsistencyOfAllIndexes​(@Name("fullCheck") @Description("If set to true a full check would be performed which can be slow as it reads all index files. If set to false a quick check is performed to check if all blobs referred in index files are present in BlobStore")
                                             boolean fullCheck)
                                      throws IOException
      • getHybridIndexInfo

        @Description("Fetches hybrid property index info as json for index at given path")
        String getHybridIndexInfo​(@Name("indexPath")
                                  String indexPath)