Class BaseFragmentsBuilder

    • Field Detail


        public static final String[] COLORED_PRE_TAGS

        public static final String[] COLORED_POST_TAGS
    • Method Detail

      • createFragment

        public String createFragment​(IndexReader reader,
                                     int docId,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     FieldFragList fieldFragList)
                              throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: FragmentsBuilder
        create a fragment.
        Specified by:
        createFragment in interface FragmentsBuilder
        reader - IndexReader of the index
        docId - document id to be highlighted
        fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
        fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
        a created fragment or null when no fragment created
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • createFragments

        public String[] createFragments​(IndexReader reader,
                                        int docId,
                                        String fieldName,
                                        FieldFragList fieldFragList,
                                        int maxNumFragments)
                                 throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: FragmentsBuilder
        create multiple fragments.
        Specified by:
        createFragments in interface FragmentsBuilder
        reader - IndexReader of the index
        docId - document id to be highlighter
        fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
        fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
        maxNumFragments - maximum number of fragments
        created fragments or null when no fragments created. size of the array can be less than maxNumFragments
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • createFragment

        public String createFragment​(IndexReader reader,
                                     int docId,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     FieldFragList fieldFragList,
                                     String[] preTags,
                                     String[] postTags,
                                     Encoder encoder)
                              throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: FragmentsBuilder
        create a fragment.
        Specified by:
        createFragment in interface FragmentsBuilder
        reader - IndexReader of the index
        docId - document id to be highlighted
        fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
        fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
        preTags - pre-tags to be used to highlight terms
        postTags - post-tags to be used to highlight terms
        encoder - an encoder that generates encoded text
        a created fragment or null when no fragment created
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • createFragments

        public String[] createFragments​(IndexReader reader,
                                        int docId,
                                        String fieldName,
                                        FieldFragList fieldFragList,
                                        int maxNumFragments,
                                        String[] preTags,
                                        String[] postTags,
                                        Encoder encoder)
                                 throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: FragmentsBuilder
        create multiple fragments.
        Specified by:
        createFragments in interface FragmentsBuilder
        reader - IndexReader of the index
        docId - document id to be highlighter
        fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
        fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
        maxNumFragments - maximum number of fragments
        preTags - pre-tags to be used to highlight terms
        postTags - post-tags to be used to highlight terms
        encoder - an encoder that generates encoded text
        created fragments or null when no fragments created. size of the array can be less than maxNumFragments
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • setMultiValuedSeparator

        public void setMultiValuedSeparator​(char separator)
      • getMultiValuedSeparator

        public char getMultiValuedSeparator()
      • isDiscreteMultiValueHighlighting

        public boolean isDiscreteMultiValueHighlighting()
      • setDiscreteMultiValueHighlighting

        public void setDiscreteMultiValueHighlighting​(boolean discreteMultiValueHighlighting)